I walked one mile the first day, two miles the second, three miles the third...I ended up so far from home, I had to take a bus to get back.

Seriously again, I agree with Graham wholeheartedly.
When I took Martial Arts, the way we were taught to keep our weight nearest the ideal, was to "eat little and often" rather than a few big meals, and, if this was a bit inconvenient, then have the bigger meal(s) earlier in the day, either for breakfast or lunch. No between meal snacks other than some fruit.
And, as Graham said above, try to not eat late at night...for me, it was after 6:00 PM or so.
If I was really hungry late at night, I'd have a small bowl of cereal or rice or some fruit.
I just bought two new pairs of jeans Wednesday, and was able to get the same size I wore over 10 years ago...36 X 32, so it does work.
Good luck Don, I know you can do it...we need around here, buddy, so look after yourself, please.