Just for the heck of it this morning before my gig I took another attempt to adjust the VH2 setting in the S950 of which up to this time 1 yr+ was useless to me for so many reasons. On the suggestion of a friend I tried to follow all the settings given in this You Tube Video explained by Robbiedoes.nl ... just stop the video make changes & continue till your done then save and name file. Then assign to whatever registrations needed. It will also work on T4, etc,..I followed ALL his recommendations exactly, ....EXCEPT I changed his Chordal selection 3Abv.Jazz.....to 3Abv.Chordal.... and his Vocal Effect Type 80sPOP Rev to R&R Delay..w/ 16 rev. This made a BIG difference in chord/vocal tracking your voice.
I might even use the VH again when I'm performing with just the keyboard on small gigs......it's no TC Helicon,.. But now tracking is possibly acceptable for light duty gigs.
Senior Member
Registered: 06/25/99
Posts: 16735
Loc: Benton, LA, USA
I was pretty pleased with the harmony on the S950 after I tweaked it a little. It is easy to work with, but adjusting and saving things are different from previous Yamahas.
I was pretty pleased with the harmony on the S950 after I tweaked it a little. It is easy to work with, but adjusting and saving things are different from previous Yamahas.
Amazing how much tweaking you have to KNOW How to do before you can get a decent tracking VH on the S950 as the default types really are less then stellar for sure for a pro singer. KORG made a great choice in including a TC Helicon unit in their arrangers......Yamaha should take note ASAP
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Registered: 12/08/02
Posts: 15578
Loc: Forest Hill, MD USA
Here are two versions of Feels So Right I just recorded on the S-950, one of which using the TC Helicon Harmony-M vocal harmonizer and the other using the onboard harmonizer. You guess which one is which and post your answers.
Personally, I don't think there's a hill of beans difference between the two of them, but what the Hell, I'm old and deaf so that's why your opinions count here.
Now, I would like to hear the same song, done by owners of other arranger keyboards with onboard vocal processors as well, Korg, Roland, etc...
Edited by travlin'easy (04/21/1411:46 AM)
PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!
Senior Member
Registered: 06/25/99
Posts: 16735
Loc: Benton, LA, USA
I'm saying first version is T.C. Helicon and second is 950. I think the vocal sounds better on the second and the harmony on first seems clearer. Both are very good.
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Registered: 03/21/03
Posts: 3748
Loc: Motown
I say it's the other way around, s950 first and TC-M second. I thought I heard a little bit of synthesis on #1. #2 seemed smoother. Hurry and tell us, Gary. I have both units and don't use either, but have been thinking of giving one a spin.
Riding on the Avenue of Time cassp50@gmail.com
Senior Member
Registered: 06/25/99
Posts: 16735
Loc: Benton, LA, USA
I have a TC Helicon Harmony M for sale. I ordered it when I trying the BK9, which has no harmonizer. I hooked it up and tried it once at home, then decided against keeping the BK9, so it's "new". I'll take $100. plus shipping.
Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 12800
Loc: Penn Yan, NY
The second harmony is so buried in the mix, it's not easy to compare, but if I had to guess based on response - I'd go TC first then 950 second. Both pale to the upgraded brain that the 800/900/3x have, but, as always - nice job Gary.
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