Speaking of this topic, I hadn't looked at the "My Videos" section on one of my YouTube account until the other day. I found that something I had posted years ago was "cited" as a copyright issue. It was a really BAD (but funny to the friends involved) rendition of a couple of friends trying to sing "The Rose" ... (they kept laughing - long story - and stopping and trying over and over to start). So, this really BAD "cover" (if you can even call it that!) of "the Rose" with me on really old keyboards, and two not-great singers - was "caught" as a copyright issue. They didn't take the video down, they just "noted" the Copyright "issue" on it.
Genos / Tyros5 / HK Lucas Nano 600 / FTB Maxx 40a / EV ZX1A / Rock'n'Roller cart / Hauptwerk virtual pipe organ / misc other audio & music toys