Hi - thanks for the various comments! Yes, when I play 'solo' it's all instrumental. I usually get very good reception to my music from audiences, even w/o vocals. I love to play for singers too (just not myself as the singer!) :-)
Thanks again - I'll try to make a few more videos/recordings ...
Certainly, I've been playing mainly instrumental music most of my career and the response has been usually very good...but, and that's a big BUT...it depends on the venue and, more importantly, the choice of music and the quality of the arrangements (and your styles).
I believe pulling off an all instrumental gig successfully is even harder than with a vocalist/player, so when it happens, there's a wonderful feeling of accomplishment being able to do it all with just you and your instrument of choice, be it an arranger, solo piano or organ (pipe included).
I rely a lot on solo instrument emulations (like Tenor Sax or Jazz Trumpet...my favorites), and I spend an extraordinary amount of time on style editing, and, I try to create arrangements that draw in the listener...it's harder when you don't have voice and lyrics to create the emotion intended by the songwriter, but, as I said earlier, the feeling of satisfaction when everything gels, makes the hard work and preparation all worthwhile.