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#39056 - 11/28/04 07:17 AM Re: The Demise Of Technics...Or Not?
D.Munson Offline

Registered: 02/28/04
Posts: 397
Loc: UK
Originally posted by Mark And Michelle:
well, we've seen topics and discssions held about this but, to be honest, is this the end. I don't think so...

Let's be honest for a moment. Regardless of which model you own, can you, hand on your heart, say that you've tried to use every facility available to get a new sound or style out of it. I'll probably get a few nasty emails for that but I've only myself to blame.

Ten years ago I worked as an insurance broker and dealt most of the time with classic cars from Jenson Interceptors all the way down to Hillman Imps. As most of you know these makes no longer exist but with the devotion of their owners the name carries on. The same, I hope, will be said of Technics in years to come. We've been privaleged to be owners and with good care will remain that way for a long time more.

If it wasn't for Nigel having set up this forum off his own back we wouldn't be sitting in front of our PCs/MACs swapping ideas, styles, music, etc. We should, this a personal view, be grateful for what we have and try to a)make to the most of it and b)keep talking to each other.

The girls are at college at the moment but I know what their views are. We're pleased with what we've got. It's unfortunate we won't be able, shortly, to upgrade, but we've got something that, with luck, will probably last me to my grave; Not long now, as I've just filled in a new will and deed of trust.

Sorry if the last section was a bit morbid but I've always said I like to know when it's going to happen...

Anyway, please no comments about me preaching a sermon, just happy thoughts about your 'board.

Regards to all as always,


Bravo to all the praise of the KN7000!
I belong to the "Barnstaple Organ and Keyboard Club"in Barnstaple Devon,UK
Six of our members have got Technics keyboards,one has a KN6500 and five (including myself)own the KN7000.
There seems no end to the amount of styles you can download from Technics website and others, most of them free.I keep running out of floppy discs,because I keep finding fresh ones to download.
I am so pleased with my KN7000,its the best keyboard I've had.My previous ones were Gem,
and Solton, but compared to the Technics they are like toys!

I shall keep mine until either it disintegrates or me!whichever is the sooner!


#39057 - 11/28/04 01:31 PM Re: The Demise Of Technics...Or Not?
Audrey Turner Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 03/19/02
Posts: 1098
Loc: Cambridge, Cambs, England
Hi Doug,

I was at the Keyboard Calvalcade Music Event in October last and out of all the keyboards there the one that sticks in my mind is the Korg PA1X simply because it offers quite a few similar facilities to that of the Technics KN7000 (which I now have). In fact there were two ex Technics employees demonstrating it and I said to them "it's like listening to my KN7" In reply I was told that some of the original programming software belonged to some well known ex employees who are now of course, at liberty to sell-on their ideas which is probably what has happened with the Korg PA1X and PA1XPRO.

I had previously been to a Yamaha demon-stration of their latest piano and again, it was like listening to my PR900 and some of the later models of the Technics pianos. This piano now uses the same idea as our Technics KN7 keyboard in that when you lift the lid, the basic controls are all housed in it, complete with screen, so it
would seem Yamaha has adopted some of the Technics ideas.

However, I have to say both instruments are very appealing and I can see the day when my KN7 packs up on me, I'll probably purchase the PA1X as, for me, it was that good. The only think I didn't like was the fact its screen was small and static and I said so the the team manager who in turn told me that Korg have received this comment from so many people, he thinks possibly the next generation of Korg keyboards will have movable screens like our KN7.

Anyway, it all looks hopeful.

All the best.

Aud (U.K.)

#39058 - 11/28/04 09:47 PM Re: The Demise Of Technics...Or Not?
Scott Langholff Online   content
Senior Member

Registered: 06/09/02
Posts: 3163
Loc: Pensacola, Florida, USA
Interesting to note for Technics lovers, that a lot of ex-Technics employees are now with Roland in the US. Don't know what there positions are, but it will interesting to see if the new Roland G70 has any Technics influence.

#39059 - 11/29/04 05:25 AM Re: The Demise Of Technics...Or Not?
technicsplayer Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 3319
Someone just mailed me a link to this with a question about it so here goes:

Sorry to disillusion you but the only Technics features you will find in the Pa1 or G70 will be there by the sincerest form of flattery - copying. The development time lags are such that any Technics employees will not have had any input and anyway do not own any software rights which remain within the company. The only person with the knowledge to be in any position to do so does not work for Korg.

Also the only ex-employees of any significance to move to Roland is Chris Halon, hardly a lot, but you would have to go back quite a few years now to count Dennis Houlihan who left Panasonic to become president of Roland(US).

#39060 - 11/29/04 06:03 AM Re: The Demise Of Technics...Or Not?
Bill Norrie Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 2330
Loc: North Yorkshire UK
Hi Audrey,
With reference to your remark "so it would seem Yamaha has adopted some of the Technics ideas." I think it is quite the opposite situation. The first keyboard I had was a Yamaha 6100 way back in the 80's or early 90's and it had a lift-up lid, with all the controls, just like the KN7000. The later Yamaha 6300 had the same arrangement.......


After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is Music.
Aldous Huxley
( especially when the music is played on a KN7000....)

#39061 - 11/29/04 09:34 AM Re: The Demise Of Technics...Or Not?
RMepstead Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/15/02
Posts: 1664
Loc: Wootton Bassett - Wiltshire - ...
Derek - when you download a style file for your KN7000 onto a floppy disk and then load it into your keyboard, why do you keep it on your floppy disk as well rather than saving it to your SD Card and keeping a copy in a special file (say - called Derek's style files) in your computer.
That way you won't keep running out of floppy disks in fact you can use the same one over and over again....
Best wishes - Roger M
Roger M

#39062 - 11/29/04 12:13 PM Re: The Demise Of Technics...Or Not?
shcox Offline

Registered: 09/10/03
Posts: 296
Loc: Leesburg, FL USA
Hi All,

As Christmas approches I guess we all start thinking about Technics and the closure of the instrument division.

Just a thought. While Technics has closed the door on any new models we can hold out the hope that one of the other Matsushita companies could decide to put out models under a different brand name. After all Panasonic does offer some low cost keyboards.

So let's all write to Santa and tell him our Christmas wish.

Heather- Leesburg, FL PR54
Heather- Leesburg, FL PR54

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