Audya does the same using Block registrations. It's almost like a mini MFD.
Henni, if for no other reason, from a purely business standpoint, I could purchase 3 S-950s for the price of a single Audya - and both will do the same things, as you and others point out. With the left over money, I can purchase a complete backup system and still have money left over for other business expenditures, such as my retirement account.
Every successful business has backups - including your doctor and dentist. Yes, medicine and health care is a business - a big business. Your doctors and dentists all have their backs covered by other doctors and dentists - most have special insurance for this purpose. If they get sick (break down so to speak) the others fill in for them until they're ready to go back to work.
Additionally, as I pointed out earlier, and Deane verifies, without AJ, there is no Audya service in the USA - NONE! In this business, we need backups. I have all of my gear backed up, another complete system. And, if I have a breakdown, it's an hour's drive to my local service guy, who in most instances, will make the repairs while I wait. He has all the parts he needs in stock and ready to go. This is not the case with Audya USA.
Now, AJ and I talked a bit after the Jam. And, I told him personally, that I sincerely believe if it were not for him, Ketron and Audya would not exist in the USA. Essentially, he is Audya USA in the flesh. We also talked a bit about marketing and other aspects of the musical entertainment business.
For me, I'm fairly confident that my health issues will force retirement upon me within the next year of so. When that time comes, I hope I'm prepared to walk away from the entertainment business and spend what few years I have left sailing and enjoying life. I'm sure I'll play music at home purely for my own enjoyment, and I'm equally confident that I'll be playing that S950.