#426239 - 09/16/16 10:36 PM
Re: * * * AUDYA TIPS & TRICKS & FAQ* * *
[Re: Henni]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
One of our customers wanted a basic ENGLISH manual for AUDYA and so we came up with this ... and thought I should share with all....... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
1. SELECTING LEAD (RIGHT HAND) SOUNDS ON AUDYA a. To select a sound, first press the sound group from which the sounds resides … e.g. if looking for a piano, press the PIANO button. b. Then use the F1 – F10 buttons located at the side of the screen to select the piano you want. If you can’t find the right piano, press the PIANO button once more or turn the data wheel clockwise to display the next page of pianos – then make your selection using F1-F10 buttons to the side of the screen.
2. ADDING AN ADDITIONAL VOICE TO THE LEAD VOICE (2nd VOICE). a. Each lead voice can be accompanied by an additional 2nd voice (usually strings or whatever you want). b. First of all select the main lead voice as mentioned above in [1]. c. Press EXIT to return to the default screen d. Now press the 2nd voice button to turn it on. As you play, you will notice an additional voice has been selected. You can adjust its volume independently by moving up/down the 2nd voice volume slider (on the left side of the panel). e. If you want to change the 2nd voice (a new voice to use with the current lead voice) i. Press EXIT until you are back in the main screen. ii. Press F7 (which points to the 2nd voice on the screen). iii. Display will now show the group from where the current 2nd voice resides. iv. Use the voice group buttons (PIANO, CHROM, ORGAN … etc) to select the group where you think the 2nd voice you want resides – so if you want to have the 2nd voice be an organ, you will press the ORGAN button – then using the F1-F10, select which organ voice you want. Again, if you do not see the voice you are looking for, press the voice group button (in this case ORGAN) to display the other pages of organ voices, then select your organ voice using F1-F10 on the side of the screen).
3. SELECTING LAYERED VOICES (1, 2 or 3 voices that have been LAYEYERD or SPLIT AUTOMATICALLY FOR YOU) – PROGRAM! a. There are voices that have been grouped for you with the AJAMSONIC package you just purchased and these reside in the PROGRAM location on the AUDYA. b. Press the PROGRAM Button (located on the right side with the voice groups). It should turn on. c. From now on, so long as the PROGRAM button is lit (on), then any voice selection you make will be a selection of voices layered together or with an internal split …(e.g. Bass left and piano right – and such will be denoted by the name of the voice on the screen … e.g. in this example Piano and Bass). d. With the PROGRAM button on, now press any of the voice groups (e.g. PIANO) to access layered strings. Notice the names of the instruments displayed on the screen now such as F10 [A BASS& LA PIANO] – which means BASS and PIANO – BASS on left hand and PIANO on right. e. Using F1-F10 (screen side buttons), select the layered or split lead voice you want to use and play it. f. To return to the FACTORY Single voices (Sax, Piano… etc), simply turn off the PROGRAM button by pressing it once more (it should not lit up).
4. PLAYING WITH STYLES a. Your Audya is now loaded with the AJAMSONIC upgrade kit and so you have over 1200 styles in your machine to choose form and use. b. To play FACTORY KETRON styles, i. Press any of the style group buttons (BALLAD, POP, COUNTRY … etc) depending on the style you are looking for. So in this example press the POP button. ii. The screen will display the first page of 10 pop styles. Use F1-F10 on the screen’s side to select which style you want. If you cannot find it, simply press the POP button again or turn the wheel to move to the next page of 10 more POP styles and make your selection. iii. Test the style by pressing the red START button. Drums will start immediately, however … you can also start the style in a ‘musically correct’ way, by 1. Pressing the KEY START Button below the screen panel (it should turn on) – which means the keyboard will start playing with full bass and backings when you press a chord with your left hand. If you want to start with an intro, now would be the time to press any of the Intro buttons (1-3) then play a chord with your left hand. c. To play the AJAMSONIC styles, i. Press the USER STYLE button. Once this is on, any style selection will no longer be factory but the additional styles added to your AUDYA. ii. With the user style on, selection is similar to selecting a Factory style above … simply select the style group (e.g. SWING) and then select the style you want from the screen using the F1-F10 buttons. Again, if you need more SWING styles, press the SWING button once more to move to the next page of swing styles … or turn the data wheel clockwise. If you want to return to selecting FACTORY styles, you must press the USER STYLE button once more to turn it OFF!
5. PLAYING LEFT HAND PIANO i. As you requested, if you want to have a PIANO only playing on your left hand, proceed as follows:- 1. Press EXIT to return to the default screen as always. 2. Turn on the LEFT button (found on the left side of the panel) to activate the left voice. It will turn on flashing (edit mode – giving you the chance to change the left voice if you want). Since you want it to remain as Piano (Default), press the LEFT button once more and it should now remain on (NOT FLASHING ANYMORE). 3. Make sure the LEFT volume slider is all the way up so you can hear the left voice. 4. Make sure the LOWERS volume slider is all the way DOWN – so you do not hear the additional left voices associated with the style!! This should be up only if you are playing a style and want to hear (e.g. strings, Elec. Piano ... etc) on the left side in addition to your left PIANO voice. So … you can have 3 voices playing together on the left – piano plus the 2 lowers!
6. PLAYING FULL KEYBOARD AND HAVING THE STYLE/ARRANGER FOLLOW YOU – PIANIST MODE a. Many pianist choose this mode, that is play the keyboard as a piano and while playing styles, the arranger follows them. To play this way – b. Press the PIANIST button to the left side of the panel and it should light up. c. In this mode if you play chords with left or/and right hand, they will all trigger the arranger. Take note however that due to complex chords that can be produced in this mode, the arranger may sometimes be slow to respond to chords and so you will have to do the following:- i. SET UP THE CHORD MODE = FINGERED1 (for fast chord response). 1. Press EXIT to return to default screen. 2. Press the STYLE MODE button (next to F2) 3. F9 points to the current chord mode (EASY 2). Press F9 to select the chord mode. 4. Turn the data wheel and change the chord mode to FINGER1
ii. SET UP THE PIANIST MODE = AUTO 1. Press EXIT to return to the default screen (unless you are already in STYLE MODE from above). 2. Press the STYLE MODE button (next to F2) to display the style mode (skip this if you are already in style mode from above) 3. F3 points to PIANIST/BASSIST MODE so press F3 to highlight it. 4. Turn the data wheel and set this to AUTO 5. If you use your foot switch and press the sustain pedal (#6), the arranger will only change chords when the sustain pedal is released. This way, you can play a chord, press the sustain to ‘freeze/lock’ the chord in while you play and solo over the note – just as you do on a real piano!! iii. To save all these settings so you do not have to re-program them each time the keyboard is turned on, Press EXIT to return to the default screen – press SAVE and press CUSTOM START UP (F6) to save these settings.
7. PLAYING WITH THE MICROPHONE AND ADDING HARMONIES TO YOUR VOICE WITH THE VOCALIZER a. As I told you, you have a built in mic processor and vocalizer in your AUDYA. To use this well, b. Plug a mic into the MIC input #1 on the back. c. Adjust the gain of Mic 1 so that the wheel is turned ˝ way – the fastest way to do this is turn the gain knob all the way, then turn it the opposite direction ONCE. d. Press the MICO button (below the VOICETRON logo) to the right side of the panel to turn on the MIC. You can edit the various mic effects (REVERB, CHORUS … etc) by pressing down the MICRO button for 3 seconds and adjusting the mic parameters displayed on the screen. You can adjust the volume of the mic by using the volume slider directly below the MICRO button. e. To hear harmonies, you will have to turn on the VOCALIZER by pressing the VOCALIZER button (next to the MICRO button on the panel). f. You can trigger (control the vocalzier either by the chords you play on the right side of the keyboard, left side of the keyboard, full keyboard (PIANIST) or using a Midi file (freeing you up to play freely.
CONTROLLING VOCALIZER/HARMONIES WITH LEFT OR RIGHT Keys 1. Press and hold down the VOCALIZER button to access its editable parameters. 2. F1 – F10 on the screen shows you some VOCALIZER presets already. a. RIGHT HAND VOC is the only setting programmed to be trigged by what you play on the right. All the other settings are programmed to be triggered by what you play on the left so select accordingly. If you want to play as a PIANIST (and what the vocalizer to follow you throughout as you play – regardless of left or right hand, select RIGHT HAND VOC (most likely your choice – which happens to be the default setting) by pressing F1 – RIGH HAND VOC. b. STANDARD TRIO …etc are all programmed to be trigged by the left hand, especially if playing with a style. This frees up your right hand to play melody lines and the vocalizer won’t be jumping all over the place and confused with multiple notes! 3. Select using F1-F10 the setting you want and play.
8. PREPARING YOUR KEYBOARD FOR A SONG and SAVING AS A REGISTRATION. a. Using all you have learned above, set the keyboard up for a song you want to play. b. Next press the SAVE button. The screen will display options you can save. c. Press F1 (REGISTRATION) as you want to save/create a REGISTRATION. d. AUDYA will display a box at the bottom of the screen with a default name “REGIS” or the name of the registration you just created. e. Above the keys of the keyboard are letters, numbers and symbols you can use to name your registration. f. Press the Key with the above it to erase the characters in the name box – then name the registration (give it your song name). g. Press the button 5/10 below the right corner of the screen (SAVE) to save your registration. h. Press EXIT and repeat all the above to set up your next song.
9. RECALLING YOUR REGISTRAITONS AT A SHOW/GIGG a. Now that you have all your songs set up just the way you want, you can instantly recall them at a show b. Simply press the REIGSTRATION button (it should turn on). c. Turn the wheel and scroll through all your song settings and highlight the one you want to load. d. Press ENTER to load it. e. Play and that’s it.
10. HOW TO MODIFY AN EXISTING REGISTRATION a. Say you want to make a change to an existing song set up (REGISTRATION) without having to create an entirely new one. b. Load the registration as mentioned above c. Play and make your changes (e.g. change the lead voice from Piano to Sax). d. When satisfied with the modification, press the SAVE button once more e. Press F1 (REGISTRAITON) to display the save and naming option for the Registration. f. The name in the box below the screen should be the name of the registration you just loaded. Since you do not want to change this name and create a NEW REGISTRATION, simply press the USER 5/10 button below the screen on the right side (SAVE) and the next screen will tell you this file already exists (of course it does as it has the same name). Do you want to over write? Press ENTER to over-write it. Your new setting will be saved into the old registration.
11. HOW DO DELETE/RENAME A REGISTRATION FILE (ENTRY) a. To rename or delete a registration, you are now dealing with the registration file and not the contents of the registration so you will have to go to the DISK mode to do these. b. Press EXIT until you are back in your default screen. c. Press DISK to access the disk drive. d. Turn the wheel to highlight the REGISTRAION folder and press ENTER to display its contents. e. Turn the wheel to highlight the SINGLE folder (as you want to deal with individual registrations and not the entire block) and press ENTER to display the contents of this folder. Here lie all your registrations (displayed on the next screen). f. Now since you want to perform DISK operations (Delete, Copy, Rename … etc) you have to set the AUDYA up in this mode by pressing the user 5/10 button below the bottom right corner of the screen (DISK MENU) to display the disk menu along F1-F10 – the side of the screen. g. Turn the data wheel to highlight the registration file you want to work on (delete or rename or ….) h. Press ENTER to select this file. A blue dot (.) will appear next to the file denoting it has been selected and ready for action. i. Press DELETE (F2) to delete the file and confirm by pressing EXECUTE (5/10) below the screen…. If you want to delete the file. ii. Press RENAME (F4) to rename the file and enter in the new name using the keybed on the next screen. When done, press EXECUTE (5/10) below the screen to rename the file. iii. Press COPY (F1) or MOVE (F3) if you want to copy the file (and leave a copy in this folder) or move the file (to a new location and delete if from this folder). iv. Press DISK to turn off the DISK once done.
12. PLAYING THE BONUS SONGS IN YOUR NEW AUDYA AJAMSONIC Tons of songs (Jazz, Swings, Ballads ... etc) where installed in your keyboard which you can play during the break. You can access them as follows. a. PLAYING MP3 i. Press the MP3 button in the PLAYER section of AUDYA to access the MP3 folder of AUDYA ii. Turn the wheel and highlight the AJAMSONIC BONUS folder displayed on the top and press ENTER to display its contents. iii. AUDYA will display a whole bunch of songs (grouped in their respective folders such as songs from 40s, 50s, Dance, Elton John ... etc). iv. Turn the wheel to highlight the folder whose songs you want to access and press ENTER to display the songs. v. Turn the wheel to highlight the song you want to play and press ENTER to start playing it. MAKE SURE THE MP3 VOLUME SLIDER BELOW THE MP3 BUTTON IS ALL THE WAY UP SO YOU CAN HEAR THE MP3 SONGS! b. PLAYING MIDIFILES (KARAOKE) like your friend ….JOHN…. i. Press the MIDI button in the PLAYER section to access the Midifile folder of AUDYA ii. Turn the wheel and highlight the AJAMSONIC BONUS folder displayed on the top and press ENTER to display it’s contents. iii. AUDYA will display a whole bunch of songs (grouped in their respective folders such as songs from 40s, 50s, Dance, Elton John ... etc). iv. Turn the wheel to highlight the folder whose songs you want to access and press ENTER to display the songs. v. Turn the wheel to highlight the song you want to play and press ENTER to start playing it. MAKE SURE THE MIDI VOLUME SLIDER BELOW THE MIDI BUTTON IS ALL THE WAY UP SO YOU CAN HEAR THE MIDI SONGS! c. PLAYING WAVE files i. Press the WAVE button in the PLAYER section to access the WAVE folder of AUDYA ii. Turn the wheel and highlight the AJAMSONIC BONUS folder displayed on the top and press ENTER to display its contents. iii. AUDYA will display a whole bunch of songs (grouped in their respective folders such as songs from 40s, 50s, Dance, Elton John ... etc). iv. Turn the wheel to highlight the folder whose songs you want to access and press ENTER to display the songs. v. Turn the wheel to highlight the song you want to play and press ENTER to start playing it. MAKE SURE THE WAVE VOLUME SLIDER BELOW THE WAVE BUTTON IS ALL THE WAY UP SO YOU CAN HEAR THE MIDI SONGS!
Make sure you'll fly forever!
#443829 - 01/02/18 09:20 PM
Re: * * * AUDYA TIPS & TRICKS & FAQ* * *
[Re: Henni]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
I complained about the SD9 NOT being able to play 3rd party styles created on the Audya, especially since the SD9 was the follow up on the Audya series. The following will clear all misunderstanding. Henni,
Please advise those you know who have tried using the style converter on the SD9 Pro and experienced abnormalities with this and any other functions .... if they bought their SD9 Pro with OS 1.0.0, they MUST first install OS 1.0.1 (as is clearly mentioned on our website) BEFORE installing OS 1.0.2. My guess is they possibly had OS 1.0.0 in their units, skipped updating with OS 1.0.1 (which has crucial updates not repeated in OS 1.0.2) and updated directly to OS 1.0.2 (which has updates not found in OS 1.0.1 either).
Also I'll state this again. The SD-series is NOT the AUDYA series and is not the flagship (else it would have been in our brochures as we've usually done e.g SD1, AUDYA). The SD9 Pro is also built on a totally newer platform than the AUDYA and so compatibility could sometimes be problematic. If you do convert a style from AUDYA to SD9 Pro, do not forget to also bring on board the Audio resources and name them appropriately ..... in AUDYA, styles are named xxx@120.wav, in the SD9 Pro, you need to create a folder with the style name and BPM (e.g. POP 112), then in this folder, put in all 18 or 22 (for styles with 8 variation parts) audio files associated with the style (ARR A.wav, ARR B.wav ...etc) ).
Hope this clarifies this.
Thanks, Henni
I now understand. The SD9 Pro is the professional version of the SD series and in a unique class of it's own. That's like BMW just releasing the X1. It's newer and technologically more advanced than their X5 and X3 in some ways, but built for a "different" kind of customer. It doesn't however replace their X5?
Ketron's SD9 Pro is for those who want a professional product without all the in depth "editors and menus" usually associated with one ...one that sounds professional out of the box, a product you can purchase at 3pm and be gigging with at 6pm that same day.
Make sure you'll fly forever!
#443850 - 01/03/18 01:00 AM
Re: * * * AUDYA TIPS & TRICKS & FAQ* * *
[Re: Henni]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
If you have AUDYA styles and want to use them on your SD9 Pro (whose OS has prooerly been updated correctly from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 and now to 1.0.2), you can do so but you will have to:- * first convert the style (as if you were converting say an SD5 or other KETRON style) in the SD9 Pro, by putting this on a USB stick and placing in the SD9 Pro and touching it twice to try and play it. FOLLOW THE SCREEN PROMPTS!. * When conversion is done, copy the new *.KST file into a USER STYLE FOLDER (E.g UNPLUGGED).
* When you do so, the SD9 Pro can now play the style but without the AUDIO DRUMS and AUDIO LIVE GUITARS that were used in AUDYA so .... * Next, you will have to go to AUDYA (where the AUDIO DRUMS for the style you just converted are) and rename them from xxxxARRA@120.wav to ARRA.wav, yyyyyARRB.wav to ARRB.wav .... in otherwords, simply rename them with the arranger part of the name. * Copy the renamed AUDIO drums onto a USB stick and bring those into the SD9 Pro. * Now on the SD9 PRO, to to MEDIA - MODELLING - LIVE DRUM and create a new sub-folder with the name of the style and the BPM (e.g. POP 120). On the AUDYA, the BPM was part of the wave file name, but in the SD9 Pro, the BPM only needs to be associated with the folder in which you are going to place all the audio files associated with this style. This makes it way easier to search folders for specific files (SD9 Pro) than thousands of individual audio files (Audya) lumped in one folder - USER AUDIO DRUMS! * To now re-assign the Audio Drums and Audio Guitars to the style, load the style, then touch LIVE MODELLING. * Touch the LD pad (Live drum) on the screen to put it in EDIT mode - then touch the LIVE DRUM icon on the right side. * Scroll down all the way to the bottom (where your new folder - POP 120 (L) will be "L=Live Drums" and touch it. * Unlike AUDYA where you had to individually assign each live drum to each part, as soon as you do this, the SD9 Pro will automatically assign the wave files in this folder - ARRA.wave to ARRANGER A, ARRB.Wav to ARRAGNER B ... etc. * Do the Live Guitar the same way ... touch the LIVE GUITAR PAD to put it in EDIT mode, then touch the LIVE GUITAR icon on the right ...scroll down the LIVE GUITAR list and select the live Guitar you want ... remember to do this for each of the ARRANGER parts!
*** SAVE your new style!
Hope this helps!
You have a valid point about AUDYA and SD9 Pro being 'better'. Problem is customers wanted a replacement for the AUDYA so badly that the next thing that came out that 'borrowed' it's audio drums and live guitar technology was automatically assumed to be the AUDYA replacement. Remember, when the SD7 was released, folks thought it was the AUDYA replacement. Just to give you an idea (and we documented it on our brochures too)... ** The SD1 flagship was the replacement for the X1 flagship * We then came out with the XD9. It was NOT a replacement for the aging SD1plus ... and remember, although the SD1 was the flagship, the XD9 styles did not work in the SD1! ** AUDYA then came out and that was the replacement for the SD1Plus flagship. It was expanded to include a 61 keys version and a module (which the SD1Plus was missing).
I just wanted to give YOU a little history ... however, this does not erase your thoughts or wishes of the SD9 Pro being a 'better' keyboard than the AUDYA ... it's just different!
Make sure you'll fly forever!
#450697 - 04/20/18 08:26 AM
Re: * * * AUDYA TIPS & TRICKS & FAQ* * *
[Re: Henni]
Registered: 09/21/16
Posts: 33
Loc: New York
Thank you all for this forum!!! It is extremely helpful especially now that I just upgraded to an Audya 4!!!
Ketron Audya 4, Ketron MidJay Pro, MusicTech-50 Digital Accordion, G. Verdi Lite IV +Limex Pro III Midi, Baldoni Midi (Psuedo)-Accord (Keytar), iPad-OnSong App, Shure Headset Digital Mic., Behringer X AIR XR12 Digital Mixer, Excelsior Symphony, Vintage C. Fidardo Professional Accordion, JBL Eon 615 powered speakers.
Edited by midisqueeze (05/07/18 10:04 AM)
#468322 - 04/07/19 07:50 AM
Re: * * * AUDYA TIPS & TRICKS & FAQ* * *
[Re: Henni]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
Hello, I have an SSD installed in my AUDYA 4 today, works perfectly. Standard IDE to SATA adapter about 9 € 120GB Western Digital about 29 € Until now, everything is running faster than before and no clacking HDD more.
please could you take a step by step how to install SD? hello, It's just a guide how I did it, if they do it you take responsibility for your device.
I installed an SSD in my Audya 4. My Audya4 with original HDD, no purchase styles and Sounds by Ketron.
I used a SSD 120GB WD (Western Digital) and a cheap IDE To SATA adapter. So now the simple version, plug the SSD into the adapter, connect the original cable to the adapter (I can upload pictures if anyone is interested) Turn Audya 4 on and let it boot. There is an error, Phase Error, please wait for the Audya 4 to continue booting after a few seconds. Then the message HDD can not be read F1 Formatting. Confirm F1, after formatting turn off the Audya4. Remove the SSD again. The SSD no longer in the PC format very important. Now copy the original HDD with all hidden system files to the SSD. Mark all directories and files on the original HDD and copy them to the SSD. Finally, the message 4 overwrite system files, I have overwritten them. Then install the SSD with the adapter back into your Audya 4 ready. I have tried everything now, everything works, everything that worked before. My styles with audio drums everything. .Ins files are loaded without problems. DJ Loops perfect. Record in .wav, .mp3 perfect. I have not noticed anything, not even the sound. Until now, everything is running, have already turned it on several times, always booted without problems. The IDE to SATA costs about 9 € and the WD SSD about 30 €. The LED flashes green when loading, so everything is fine. My USB sticks work perfectly, direct loading and playing or copying everything works. I tested it for a very long time, everything was great so far. Everything is loaded and saved. Sound Audio Drums shortcuts. Read from USB and written. My Audya4 has booted every time, perfectly. Should note that all protected styles (and user styles) will cease to operate and any previously installed USB updates will not work with the sata drive. Also, the 120gb SSD will be formatted down to 80gb. tonewheeldude,
so how to get those previously installed, purchased USB packs back into new SSD?
i know that cloning HD's won't work also, as HD has an ID#
i guess you would have to have made an exact copy of your USB style packs BEFORE you installed into your AUDYA, yes?
and then you could re-install ?
i too would like to upgrade my old HD to SSD i've already have the 128gb Sandisk SSD for about 2 years, just haven't sone it yet,
still have to buy that adapter? which is recommended?
thanks everyone!!! I can't recommend using an adapter if you are a professional/semi player. Ketron use an industrial PATA SSD drive in their upgrade kits - and this is where it would be best to look. Not all are compatible though, they did use Transcend previously, but not all work correctly and the DISK LED remains illuminated. Kingspec PATA SSD drives dont seem to work properly. I'll try and find the old Transcend part Number.
For the USB updates. Contact your distributor, if you bought them through Ketron UK, they will reinitialise the USB stick free of charge if you send it to them. (Roberts styles for example) Hi, I know there are some threads relating this theme, but I did not found the answer :-) Nowadays SSDs are not very expensive. There are several options for Audya, there is an replacement kit from ketron and also variants from AJAMSONIC. But beside of this, my task is simpler. I only want to migrate my system to a NEW modern SSD. It is clear, there are copy protection systems for AJAMSONIC or Pendrives, but I only want to install a default system (have the 5.0a factory available).
Why a new SDD ? I suspect my SDD starting to fail, as I experience problems the last weeks. Maybe they have nothing to do, but suddenly duplicated datas and errors when I check on a windows system makes it at least suspicious.
Nowadays a modern SDD has very good garbage collection and error correction capabilities. So I plan to buy a SSD around 128 or 250 GB (f.i. Samsung 850EVO) and leave the rest for overprovisioning, as still an Audya is not able to format with more then 80GB.
What I think is extremely bad, that it seems, formatting is a must to be done with the Audya itself. I tried to allign my system drive for SSD, but after this I got the feared "init phase error".
The problem with AUDYA OS is the lack of support for SSD what leads to an accelerated wear out of the drive, even more on older SSDs. As the newer distributed write algorithms combined with overprovisioning (SSD size - used size) means the wear out on the SSD will become notably reduced - at least I hope.
I really hope (but I do not believe) Ketron will include support at least for alligned and preformatted partitions to reduce the unneccassary wear out of SSDs.
What do you think ? Any ideas or hints ? Does anybody know if it is possible to use an alligned SSD in an Audya ? Or does anybody have a tipp, which SSD might depend as little as possible from the used OS You can get a genuine SSD from Ketron and this is the option I strongly suggest. They are more expensive than standard consumer grade drives though. Initially they used a Transcend Industrial SSD which has now been discontinued. They now use Cervoz Momentus Series.
You need to remember the drives on your Audya are being used quite heavily because the audio data streams in real time. If its for home use you dont have to be too concerned, but if you plan to use your keyboard live then you should probably buy the correct drive via Ketron and ignore the next paragraph.
You can use a cheaper consumer grade SSD but make sure you have backups of everything. I have tried Kingston, Transcend and Kingspec - none of the ones I tried work properly and either the DISK LED is stuck on RED constantly or the drive is not detected at all, even adding the cable jumper does not work. Zenho drives work but you need to modify the cable otherwise the Audya does not register the drive.
The Transcend drive Ketron supplied until recently is a 64gb TS64GPSD330. If its not this number (or possibly the TS128GPSD330) it will likely not work - i know from experience. You should be able to use the 128gb version, but the keyboard will format the drive to 80gb. If you are able to find the correct model number (unlikely) you will need to modify the Audya IDE cable. Once you have done so you will not be able to use your original hard drive unless you have a spare cable (these are not easy to find either)
The new Cervoz Momentus drive is not available to the public as far as i am aware. The cable does not need to be modified for this drive and is a drop in replacement.
Official drives are preloaded with the factory data.
When changing Hard or SSD drives, any USB updates purchased and installed on the original drive will no longer operate and you will need to contact Ketron for assistance. Hi, do I need to modify the IDE cable if I'm gonna replace the HDD with an Transcend TS32GPSD330 PATA 32GB SSD, 2.5 inch, MLC ? If so, how can I do it? Thanks! Yes.
Once you open up your AUDYA (flip top lid over and away from you with bottom section/keys facing you), the data cable (fist 2 wires from left to right) has to be cut. You will have 4 exposed wires. Peal off the shielding of the 2 connected to the HD/SSD and join them, then cover with insulation tape (master select on). Leave the other 2 going to the CPU board as is.
If you have any more questions, please contact us directly at KetronUSA@AjamSonic.com for schematic diagrams ... etc.
Make sure you'll fly forever!