HI: Everyone
I'm new here but have been monitoring here for some time now.
I have to agree with BEBOP on the top end Yamaha keyboards,
they are great, IMO.
I have the Technics KN5000 bought it new, I looked at the KN6000
& didn't think there was enough improvement over the KN5000
to justify buying one, same with the 6500.
In my area the top end Technics list for $5900. USD, I bought the
KN5000 for $4300. thinking I got a heck of good deal.
I was definitely thinking of buying another Technics until I started
looking around at other brands & seen what they had to offer &
at lower price's.
I chose to buy the Yamaha 9000 PRO & I'm very glad I did it is a
great Keyboard, it does everything Technics does & more, the
voice's are as good & many are better, some of the styles are
simpler, & that's OK because they will work for wider variety of
song's, but there is a lot of styles that are better then the Technics. IMO
There are sooooooo many styles available for Yamaha on the Net
it is unbelievable & for free.
The support on the Net is great, it's seems like there are allot more
folks playing Yamaha then any other brand. & if you want a hard drive
or such things it don't cost an arm & a leg, just one or the other. he he
I have become a YamahaOholic.
But I will keep my KN5000 also, even though I don't play it anymore
maybe some day I will boot it up again.
Enjoying the 9000 PRO
