Hey Bill,
Old grampa Doug would like to slide into his old rocker, kick his feet up on the coffee table, sip on a cool one and treat his ears to some good sounds. Yes, yes and yes! Please send me your tunes. If Ruthie keeps treating me like she has the last couple of days and the weather stays warm I might even ask her to go out to the front porch, sit on the swing with me, hold hands and we'll both listen to the music while we watch the moon. You might be under the impresion Ruthie picks on me a lot. Well, not always. You got to keep in mind we did have six kids. I'll let you know how it all comes out when and after you zip me the files. It would be nice though if I had them by this weedend. Sunday evening sitting under the moonlight in the swing on the porch with easy listening music! WOW!! COME ON GUYS, AN OLD GUY CAN DREAM CAN'T HE?
Grampa Doug
Grampa Doug