1. Load up Komplete
2. Select a sound
3. Fine tune it to your requirements with the assigned rotary controls (Much easier than crawling through menus)
4. Save it
5 Setup the rest of your sounds the same
6. Setup your pre-sets for the song and assign pre-set change to a footswitch
7. Done, you now have the song setup for eternity (If you want to keep it that long) with some of the best sounds available today, (Better than any arranger keyboard) fully tuned to your personal preference.
So what’s difficult?
The fact that it just looks so much different then an arranger keyboard, and they dont realise that it is actually the same...
And those 8 knobs, how long have i been an advocate for limitless knobs in an arranger keyboard?
I think this is one of the things Tyros 6 needs to make the step to the next level...
These 8 ( or 6 or 4 ) knobs that get auto assigned to 8 parameters for your selected sound or even your selected pads...
And then a touchscreen with fullfunctioning build in version of the yamaha mobile music sequencer... And the OMB using a Tyros is up for some real deejayingbstuff if so is required... Overhere in Holland, it would certainly help those OMB bands that need to compete with deejays for weddings and parties...