#39567 - 11/05/03 12:47 PM
Re: LIfe without electricity before Technics Keyboards
Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 403
Loc: United Kingdom
Hi Bill,
What a nice topic! Very welcome, too!
I look back on my life and divide it into three stages: growing up; the working years; and finally, the retirement years.
My "growing up" years began in December 1929. Those were the days before TV, stereos, calculators, computers, jet airplanes, keyboards, Nintendo, skateboards, air conditioned cars, 33 rpm vinyls, 45 rpm vinyls, 8-track cassettes, stereo cassettes, CD's, Disneyland, MGM Studios, Universal Studios, supermarkets, shopping malls, cell phones, and a whole host of other modern day gadgets, services, and innovations. They were also the days when: pop singers had a voice; pop music had a melody; parents took responsibility for their children; patience and tolerance were the norm in personal relationships; God and prayer were still in our schools as well as national and local governments; you didn't sue your neighbor if your child stubbed his/her toe on the neighbor's driveway; people took pride in the way they dressed and were courteous when driving a car; local mayors took pride in displaying a beautiful nativity scene on the steps of the city hall at Christmastime. I could go on and on. What was I doing during this period? Learning from my father how to work and take pride in my workmanship; going to school to receive a good education; delivering newspapers before and after school to earn enough money to buy my first trombone; playing games in the street with my friends until 10 or 11 o'clock at night without fear of being mugged, raped, abducted or murdered. Yes, life BEFORE my keyboard was wonderful!
During my "working years" I travelled the world. Travelling was without a doubt the finest education I could have hoped for in terms of how to become a better, more tolerant, more caring human being. Yes, life was good BEFORE my keyboard.
My "retirement years" have arrived. I am doing my best to make the most of those years. My attitude is that learning does not stop at retirement. Life is a natural progression from growing up years through working years and on into retirement years. It is seamless. I began my life getting an education and have continued learning throughout my life. Buying a keyboard and taking lessons is a continuation of the learning habit. Yes, life is good AFTER buying my keyboard.
I wish everyone on our forum happy playing and success in whatever each of you choose to do with your lives.
Warmest Regards, Chuck
#39571 - 11/07/03 10:38 AM
Re: LIfe without electricity before Technics Keyboards
Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 403
Loc: United Kingdom
Hi Fran and Bebop,
I never had a crystal set. I did become an amateur radio operator in the late 50's while stationed at Tyndall AFB near Panama City, Florida (your neck of the woods, Fran). My call sign was K4UDF. I was mobile. No base station. Had a Gonset Super 12 Converter and Hallicrafters HT-17 Transmitter feeding a 10 meter whip antenna. It was a tiny bit bigger than a crystal set. Ha Ha. Had great fun with it. Probably would have had fun with a crystal set, too. The three of us remember the days when radio reigned supreme. Those were great days. Fibber McGee & Molly, The Shadow, The Lone Ranger, Red Ryder, Inner Sanctum, Duffy's Tavern, The Green Hornet, The Great Gildersleeve, Bulldog Drummond, Can You Top This, The Jack Benny Program, Yours Truly Johnny Dollar, The Aldrich Family, The Cisco Kid, The Bob Hope Show, The Charlie McCarthy Show, Captain Midnight and so many others. Do those names bring back fond memories? I have cassettes of those shows and listen to them every once in a while. I enjoy them as much today as I did as a teenager, especially the commercials for Oxydol, Chesterfields, Camels, Wrigley's Chewing Gum etc. Great stuff!
You asked about home towns, Bebop. Mine was Bell, California, a suburb of Los Angeles.
Great thread, Bebop. I love to talk about the early days because they were so much fun. Let's hope others will chime in and tell us about their lives. This worldwide KN family we have becomes even more interesting and family oriented when we write about ourselves and thereby share ourselves with our friends.
Best Wishes to All, Chuck
#39573 - 11/07/03 12:11 PM
Re: LIfe without electricity before Technics Keyboards
Senior Member
Registered: 01/02/00
Posts: 3781
Loc: San Jose, California
Great posts people, I too, hope others will share more of themselves in this topic or start a similar one. As a kid, I hated practicing that piano everyday for hours, even though I loved music, but not the kind in my lessons. I was an avid reader and read everything I could get hold of. I liked to stay home from school and read but after awhile, I had enough of Ma Perkins, Our Gal Sunday, and all the rest of those early day time radio soaps. I quit skipping school, hustled up a trumpet and got in the sixth grade bandd with it Bebop