Thank you all for your feedback.
Lloyd : I will come back to you with more detailed info regarding VK8M. I have to used some more time with it, but I�m very impressed so far. It's very easy to connect to your keyboard.
In the mean time, I have just recorded a new song with some samba rhythm. Again here is the beautiful sound of Vk8M.
This song also recorded with KN6000 together with Roland Vk8m. I have recorded direct to my computer while playing with the build in Samba rock styles of Kn6000.
PS Yes I know there is a lot of wrong playing, but it's a jam session in my house these days.
Dowload and listen
Samba For All ------------------
Best regards
Svein Tore Du�s
[This message has been edited by MrD (edited 10-21-2003).]