For me, the only SB match up that I would have liked LESS would have been Dallas/NE ...

I'm not going to watch one coach jumping up and down chewing 'cud' like a bovine in heat, while the other makes sad faces wearing a hoodie ...
BTW ... last night Andrew Luck couldn't have thrown the ball in the ocean if he was standing 10 feet off shore ... and if he DID, the ocean would have DROPPED it ...
The Dolts didn't belong in the same stadium as the Pats unless they bought tickets ...
As for GB/Seattle, once GB had three perfect opportunities for TDs and came away with 9 points, you KNEW that would come back to bite them ...
And what was with Morgan Burnett's version of the "QB Slide" after that last interception ???

I thought the intent was to get the ball as far into your opponent's territory as you can? ... there wasn't a Seattle player within 10 - 15 yards of him ?!? ...
Oh well, I guess I'll spend Feb 1 watching golf and videos of the
NY GIANTS four SB wins ...