#398780 - 01/27/15 12:30 PM
KORG PA900 keeps pulling me in But...........
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Registered: 09/21/00
Posts: 43703
KORG PA900 keeps pulling me in But,........... Here are my thoughts on this, ....I have the S-950 for almost 2 years next month that is WAY beyond my "modus operandi" but in all honesty I enjoy playing it on stage throughout hundreds of gigs and it really sounds great although I need to use workarounds to suit my needs...sounds & styles are of no concern for me as the S950 has no problem with that aspect,.... its all about navigation, design, display, VH, & how I can incorporate all of that into a comfortable rapid fire operation singing & playing these keyboards. I have to go with what I know I need to do vs listing to anyone else who I'm sure does it different. We are not clones by any means... The Korg 900 seems to have many features that seem better for my tasks on stage, TC-VH, Larger display & Songbook all of which I have used on my Pa3x, Pa800/500 etc, thru the years...... but In my opinion although close lacks the sound quality of the S-950, S-950's speakers are a big plus also in certain situations... Next I wonder if its really worth it at all? and then I have to set it up all over again with my sounds styles and Registrations/Performances etc,....& that takes a bit of time of which I don't have ...if someone would offer me a fast even trade S950 for Pa900...in my craziness of the moment I would probably do it if they gave me a few days to ship so that I can set up the Korg 900 without interrupting the flow for gigging.... that should only take a few days or less, or I could sell the S-950 & buy a Korg Pa900, .. & if I can load all of my previous PA3X setups, styles, sounds, MP3 backing tracks, song book, etc, in one shot it might decrease the time needed for setup also? Now I surely could do this or do I wait for Yamaha to come out with a NEW S-950 predecessor of some kind & hope they improve on what I need now out of it. Or just forget the whole thing and continue making music and forget all the foolishness  Thoughts?
Edited by Dnj (01/27/15 12:33 PM)