Thanks, guys. Speaking as a member of the height deprived community, I "ain't got a chance" when "ganged up on" by GIANTS
"in their own minds" Don and Chas.
Man, I need to get off my "poor ole me" soapbox and get back to taking care of business.
You two are a little older, a lot taller and a lot wiser than I am.
Just wish you two could meet in person.
My problem is, I don't want to give anything up. The film, copy , photography and music projects are stacking up and I want to do every one of them. If anything, I have more in the works than at any other time in my life. That coincides with a natural reduction in energy that just happens over time.
Today, for instance, I'm completing a business plan and a 501(C) application for a friend who collects luggage and distributes it to kids in the foster care system. He wants to expand his operating geography....sort of franchise the operation. To do that, he needs to secure new, not used merchandise (social workers are wary of bed bugs)and he needs a business operations plan that can be duplicated and managed from a distance. This is a worthy project, but it takes TIME!
As much as music means to me, the other areas of interest are equally as important. They intersect, actually (music for film production, internet projects, advertisements, etc).
My regret is, I am not as good at any of my areas of interest as I could be, because I don't work hard enough (read that-enough hours)to get where I want to be.
I appreciate all of you and your tolerance of my occasional rant.