I�m not at home at the moment, but as far as I remember a "already solved problem" is back :
If you use "user styles" and want to set different instruments for variations A,B,C,D you cant�switch the instrument categories anymore...
An example :
Your RightHand (RH) is set to "Grand_Piano".
You enter the "edit mode" and choose "Grand Piano" for variation A.
Now you can�t change another instrumentbank than the selected "Piano".
You have to leave the screen ( back to MainPage ), then choose "Brass" Bank, enter the edit mode again and now change a brass-instrument for variation B.
Leave again, select akkordeon-bank, then choose musette for variation C and so on.
I�m quite sure that this issue has already been solved in 5.2, maybe as well in 5.0.
@ ajodanimario:
I have got only the 5.2 for AUDYA5, not for the "normal".
If you want that let me know...
Edited by Snoopy (04/02/15 11:39 AM)
Greetings from East-Frisia ( Northern-Germany )