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#40171 - 01/22/05 03:39 AM Re: TAMMY: Inspired Variations
Khai Offline

Registered: 01/05/05
Posts: 119
Loc: Brisbane, Queensland, Australi...
Dear Gunnar Jonny,

I am sorry that I could not reply to you sooner, for I had to leave home to meet a friend.

Thank you for writing me and expressing your concern. If English is indeed not your native tongue then we already have something fundamental in common.

I would really appreciate if you could bring yourself to analyze these issues from diverse angles without assuming that the problems necessarily lie wholly on one side. Very often, a group of people tends to be composed of like-minded individuals who have self-selected each other because they share similar tastes and outlooks. Many of these individuals also often like and react well to their friends' qualities that they themselves have, or at least do not lack them to such an extent that they feel inadequate or incompetent. Whilst this cohesion is good for the group dynamics and bonding processes, it will also restrict the ability of these individuals to assimilate or understand new or foreign ideas, especially those that are contrary to or deviate from the norms, values and assumptions that have permeated these circle of individuals. In other words, group members are likely to react in similar fashion (whether positively or negatively) as a result of their own allegiance and conformity towards each other. With this analysis in mind, you may be able to put a handle on why "there are several members here who get a similiar [sic] reaction to it", as you observed.

Furthermore, even if the forgoing analysis can be dismissed, could it just be possible that some of these individuals are too quick to judge, dismiss and vilify something and/or someone that they have yet to be able to understand and appreciate?

If you had understood the context in which I use the horse as a metaphor, then you would realise that it was a multi-purpose receptacle that served to reflect the rounds of vilification, ignorance and misunderstanding that certain members have been indulging themselves in. I would much prefer them exercising more understanding than typecasting people, even though the former takes more time and patience, and requires the suspension or reassessment of initial judgements or vilifications.

In answering your question about university education, I know from first-hand experience that some people who already have or are still securing university education or degree(s) cannot even write, think or behave half as well as you do. So, a university education is no panacea. Even though it gives you a specialised means of excelling in certain vocations or professions, it does not guarantee good character and wisdom. The acquiring of the status of an authority and the degree of erudition in a specific field of knowledge do not necessary translate to maturity and clarity of thinking in other fields or in the broader sphere of life. And that is one of the important reasons why I would much prefer people to understand and judge my thoughts, writings and the TAMMY project by their merits and benefits, rather than by people's superficial perception and mentioning of my credentials, or by how good/bad a musician I am to them, or by how excellent/pathetic a keyboard arranger I am.

As I wrote to Bazz Wood once: You and I know that we can't please everyone, despite our best effort(s) and/or intention(s). Misunderstanding aside, feelings can easily become fragile and frayed for some people. But, we should keep hoping and looking for the best in our fellow beings, should we not?

On a lighter note, I do like your sudden move to spice up two of my threads with animated graphics, even if it is done at my expense. There is an impish humour in you. It could be a sign that you may well be the dark horse in the Synth Zone ----- if I may be so bold as to speak of horses again.

All the best, my friend, if I may call you as such.


#40172 - 01/22/05 05:10 AM Re: TAMMY: Inspired Variations


Your post hit the nail on the head. As long as we continue to reply to his silly nonsense he will continue.

Let us get back to the true intent of this forum, member helping member and ignore posts that have no wealth for the members and only display the writers need for self importance.

Fran in Florida

#40173 - 01/22/05 05:38 AM Re: TAMMY: Inspired Variations
Khai Offline

Registered: 01/05/05
Posts: 119
Loc: Brisbane, Queensland, Australi...
Dear Gunnar,

See what I mean? You can again see for yourself how some people are so ready to denounce, deride, dismiss and denigrade. They also believe or pretend that just helping other members with technical problems concerning their musical instruments is all that counts, and assume that the rest is just "silly nonsense" and "self-importance".

[This message has been edited by Khai (edited 01-22-2005).]

#40174 - 01/22/05 06:00 AM Re: TAMMY: Inspired Variations
Joan Offline

Registered: 01/30/03
Posts: 550
Loc: Hampshire U.K.
Hi there - I totally agree with Fran - you are just supplying him with an audience when you answer him - ignore him - he may go away, although I suspect he has probably run out of audiences elsewhere - Joan

#40175 - 01/22/05 06:04 AM Re: TAMMY: Inspired Variations
RMepstead Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/15/02
Posts: 1664
Loc: Wootton Bassett - Wiltshire - ...
Goodbye Khai...
Roger M
Roger M

#40176 - 01/22/05 06:05 AM Re: TAMMY: Inspired Variations
Walt Meyer Offline

Registered: 10/02/02
Posts: 437
Loc: Silver City, NM USA
Gunnar and Fran,
I agree with you both 100%.
At this time my viewpoint is that Khai is deliberatly trying to disturb this forum. For what purpose I don't know, but he should be considered a "troll".
On other forums that I participate in, trolls are quickly banned by the moderator or the owner of the forum. In this case it has gone on far too long.
Nigel ??????

#40177 - 01/22/05 07:41 AM Re: TAMMY: Inspired Variations
Johnnie.c Offline

Registered: 08/12/01
Posts: 562
Loc: England
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Khai:
Dear Gunnar Jonny,
you may well be the dark horse in the Synth Zone
I am sorry that I have say that your need or shall
I say craving for writing seems to have fallen on deaf ears.
There are people on this forum that I have had a run in with on many occasions but most are my friends and I wholeheartedly agree with what they say.
It is obvious that you are a student and have chosen this forum to practice your English or otherwise what motivation would you have to bellicose in such a manner.
Do you live in such a sad little world that you have no friends to talk to,do you not have anything better to do with your time you seem to have more than your fair share.
It is probable that the majority of the people on this forum are middle aged 50 or over and possibly really not interested in what could be termed as a scientific approach and most certainly do not wish to be patronised.
As far as suggesting that Gunny Jonny is the dark horse of this forum is concerned, I would suggest that you do him an injustice because for your information Gunnar Jonny is one of the most respected members here.
Now be a good chap and go and annoy some of your Yamaha friends.

#40178 - 01/22/05 08:28 AM Re: TAMMY: Inspired Variations
Gunnar Jonny Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 04/01/01
Posts: 4371
Loc: Norway
that's OK, not nessesary to reply any posts at once, you know, we're living in
different parts of the world, and since you are down in Australia and I'm up on
the top of the world, you probably sleep when I'm awake and vice versa.

In my post I started with a simple question, and again it looks like that is not
possible for you to answer any questions in a simple way, but rather use long
terms and in a (again, as I see it) rather "cryptical way" that can be read in
more than one way.
Maybe it's the language who are the problem, but I've analyzed as best as I can
using my limited skills, and still having the same feeling as I had before.

Everybody at the forum like to see new members coming to participate and have a
nice time here, regardless to skills, and I know Nigel welcome all of us with open
arms and mind.
I'm pretty sure that this are the same regarding to your arrival here, but maybe
it's time for you to analyze too? Could it be that there is something you could do
to "calm down" the feelings some members here give expression to?

Your Tammy-project are probably good, but could it be that you started in the wrong
end? Maybe you should created a website due to your interests at first and then
announce it here and invite people to participate, and not a kind of ask people to
do it all for you?

Regarding to the animated gifs in your treads, it was not to offend you in any way,
it was my way of "peeking in and run out again due to this was way over my head" in
hopefully a humoristic way.
But as you can see, I did not resist to take a peek again, and to say some words.

As for the dark horse comment (since it was me that startet about horses in a tread
that is deleted now), I'm maybe a horse, but sure not dark, I'm blonde.

I'll rest my case, have a nice weekend.

Cheers 🥂
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)

#40179 - 01/22/05 02:21 PM Re: TAMMY: Inspired Variations
Khai Offline

Registered: 01/05/05
Posts: 119
Loc: Brisbane, Queensland, Australi...
Dear Gunnar,

Hi! It is good to hear from you, so far away from me geographically.

You mentioned that it is not possible for me to answer any questions in a simple way, but rather use long terms in a "cryptic" way that can be read in more than one way, according to your own words. I believe that many of your life experiences have pointed out to you that simple, easy, straight or binary (Yes/No) answers are often not conducive at all to genuine understanding. They only satisfy those who want an instant fix or clarification. They do not warn against pitfalls, prejudices and assumptions. They hardly penetrate and provide little information that illuminates a subject or situation. Therefore, they are not substitutes for critical and reflexive thinking, no matter what the social background or profession a person may possess.

How typical and consistent it has been for some people in the Synth Zone to think ill and speak badly of others when in fact others' intentions are basically good and amicable! My comment about you being a dark horse is a case in point. The comment is meant to be a compliment to you. A dark horse is a person or a competitor who has an unfathomable or indeterminate potential, or who achieves something great or victorious contrary to the expectation or circumstance of the person and/or others.

Your own countryman, the Norwegian singer Kurt Nilsen, a former plumber, was declared and predicted by Simon Cowell as a dark horse that could indeed emerge triumphant against all odds. In an industry that values styles and looks over substance and depth, he, basically a plumber and a devoted family man, was not expected to win at all. His performance earned comments from the judges including "you are an underdog today", "you have the voice of an angel and the face of a hobbit", and "you are a little dark horse". Soon after, Kurt won World Idol's clash of the world's Idols. He was in total shock at the entire situation when he realized that he had won. He acquired maximum points from nine of the eleven countries that voted in the contest for his rendition of U2's "Beautiful Day". Amazingly, Kurt ended up with 106 out of a maximum 112 points that were available. In addition, he also won the Norwegian version of Pop Idol in May 2003. His single "She's So High" went straight to number one in the Norwegian singles chart and is the country's biggest selling single to date.

As to your inclusion of the animated GIFs in my treads, there was no offence at all. I already wrote previously that I enjoy your impish humour ---- a quality often lacking in some people in the Synth Zone. Obviously, you have not lost the kindness and sense of wonder in you, even in circumstances that may have easily brought out the unsavoury or unflattering sides in other people. Let me declare in the first place that the last sentence is meant to be another compliment, just in case some people in the Synth Zone would again intentionally regard it as negative, unjust, patronizing and demeaning.

My position regarding the TAMMY project is as stated before: As I write this, my idea of the TAMMY project is already in the public domain. If someone has the foresight and recognises its potential, then it will be used sooner or later. If, however, there is no taker, then we are still better off at least to the extent that there is a pregnant idea or option out there for those who want it. If some people find ways to commercialise it, then that is good for them too as long as they balance their financial gains with the good that the idea may bring.

So, as you can see, it is a very open position, in every sense of the word "open".

For you and I, since English is not our native tongue, we already have something fundamental in common. Perhaps our experiences in learning foreign languages and cultures have taught us to be kind, cautious and considerate, to avoid jumping to conclusions, and to refrain from being too hasty to judge, dismiss and vilify something and/or someone that we have yet to be able to understand and appreciate. And I am willing to salute you even just on that basis alone.

[This message has been edited by Khai (edited 01-22-2005).]

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