I think building a portable arranger into a nice cabinet (from which it can be removed) would be better, if you (or your significant other) want a more homey/furniture look.
Don Mason already did that many years ago, Ian.
Using an old organ cabinet saves a lot of time if you can find one that is roughly the same width as your arranger (61 keys are easier to fit into these old cabinets)...many years ago, a friend of mine built his Roland E-10 into an old Yamaha Electone A-55N shell that worked out quite good aesthetically...but it still sounded like an E-10, which wasn't exactly breathtaking, although passable.
His wife had pressured him into making it ("Honey, the E-10 looks too much like a musical instrument"), but it still worked out okay in the long run, as she and the instrument disappeared in the divorce, and he ended up getting a sweet deal on a fully loaded 9000 Pro that he could leave unaltered.
I asked him, "Bad divorce?"
"Nope, the divorce was great, he said, winking at me. It was the marriage that sucked.