Here's a GREAT Feature tip to ALPHABETIZE the SD7 Song Titles on the Registration list,..... Before I found out about this thanx to Don M every time I would create a registration song and save it, it would be assigned a number and saved to the REG list which you could view when scrolling along in one of the 4 storage Banks,.......But, it would be in NUMERICAL order NOT Alphabetical which was driving me nuts to search for songs all over the list while playing live.....!!!
Now I learn that the SD7 does alphabetize the list by going to
DISK EDIT>select registration Folder> select bank 1,2,3, or 4 >
select number tab>Remove Numbers>Confirm!!! That's it Now all your registrations songs will be in Alphabetical order vs Numerical order created. This makes it amazingly easy to search for songs.
I'm lovin' the SD7 more & more each day.