Quote from tracknet:
"At the end, I believe Bepop is a honest and practical man, and Gunnar too. So, I cannot understand what's the problem here."
I come into this board daily, and yet failed to see the 'offending' posts ... I agree whole heartedly with the above quote from tracknet. I feel a debt of gratitude to BeBop for all he has done, both with this site, and off it. I also have a great deal of respect for Gunnar Jonny, as he was quite helpful to me and many others, especially in the early stages of my 'technics' career, and cannot recall any message of his being offensive ...
Having not seen the posts in question, I cannot comment on them ..... however, I have seen posts, perhaps not necessarily on this site, where a writer, in praising whatever kb brand he (I say 'he' because the vast majority of forum members appear to be men) might have, actually becomes derisive of the choice of another brand, and in doing so, intentionally or not, insults the intelligence of the individual who has chosen the 'other' brand ... So, the other party retaliates, and before you know it there is an ugly thread on the board.
Obviously, BeBop took offense to the way the thread was going, and did something about it. I still wrestle with my own opinion regading such type of 'censorship', but I do believe one thing..... This is Nigel's building and he has put BeBop in charge of this area ... we are invited guests, and as any guest, should abide by the wishes of the one who's area we are in ... If BeBop wishes this board too be a fun, educational place, free from the bickering and backstabbing sometimes found on other sites, then I think we, as guests, have an obligation to abide by those wishes.... If anyone has a personal 'beef' with another forum member, take care of it in private e-mail.....
Keep making beautiful music,
Peace, Love, and Patience....