#4051 - 08/13/02 06:09 PM
Well, we might as well admit it.
Registered: 12/08/98
Posts: 819
Loc: Long Island, NY.
Electronic music is not as popular as it was 2 years ago. However, the thing that pisses me off is that, good electronic music never saw the light even when it was hip for that very short period. To the general public, techno and electronic music is Moby, FatBoy Slim and the Prodigy. Not to take anything away from these guys, but they certainly were not the cream of the crop. Right now this "lobotomy" rock/rap music is dominating the market, in connection with a piss poor attempt to revive punk and grunge. There is no way anyone can tell me that the music on your radio is at all innovative or at least acceptable. And I see that it is not only mid to late 20 something losers like me, but also the teenagers that the record companies target this crap toward, also hate it. So why is it being pushed if so many hate it? How is it still selling millions? I believe that despite what people truly think about the poor quality of music, they will still buy it anyways either to keep up with the Jones' sortaspeak or simply out of consumer boredom. The bigwigs that control these record companies are fully aware of this and market it accordingly. Will electronic music make a come back? Most likely. In fact, i give it 2 to 4 years. But for now, music sucks more than ever. yeah I had to bitch and moan about this, so sue me.  [This message has been edited by Chris Attison (edited 08-13-2002).]
#4056 - 08/15/02 02:51 PM
Re: Well, we might as well admit it.
Senior Member
Registered: 10/08/00
Posts: 4715
Loc: West Virginia
I agree with everyone here.. The quality of music today has really gone down hill. It's amazing what people put on the radio and call music... These little lame ass teenie bopper groups like Back Door Boys, and Britney "should be" Speared!... No one wants to do their own music anymore... Everyone is just sampling other peoples stuff.. Rap music is HUGE on this.. They just take everyone elses music and put their own lyrics to it.. Back in the day the music was produced by "real" musicians who earned their titles as musicians.. With today's technology basically anyone who doesn't know squat about music can buy a piece of equipment that makes them sound like a pro. What every happened to people actually getting behind the instruments and playing them? On the radio today they did a funny comparison of the music from the original Woodstock and the Woodstock of today... Let me tell you today's musicians who play at Woodstock don't have anything on the ones of yesterday. It was a difference of night and day.. This lame attempt at metal and grunge today really is depressing? I was born in the early 70's and I can tell you that from what I've seen, music started it's downfall when everyone started sampling stuff.. With the invention of the professional synth/workstation allowing musicians to sample and loop started a whole new era of "wanna be" musicians.. I'm not trying to knock everyone out there that samples and stuff, because I know a lot of really good musicians who sample, but we all know there are musicians out there who do not deserve the title of "musician" Espcially people like Britney "God I can't stand her ass" Spears....
GEAR: Yamaha MOXF-6, Casio MZX-500, Roland Juno-Di, M-Audio Venom, Roland RS-70, Yamaha PSR S700, M-Audio Axiom Pro-61 (Midi Controller). SOFTWARE: Mixcraft-7, PowerTracks Pro Audio 2013, Beat Thang Virtual, Dimension Le.
#4060 - 08/19/02 01:14 AM
Re: Well, we might as well admit it.
Bingo. Chris, I guess you realize the industry...a publishing business. What does the music industry have interests in with how the published music product sounds? Nada. The main factor of the industry's interests are in the dollar. Anotherwards, what it sounds like means nothing, and what it sells like means everything. Musicianship dont mean much, and it never really did as far as the publishing aspect goes. These rappers couldn't tell you the accidentals in the key of C maj. and the only # they will ever know of is the one on their cell phone. As I said though, music goes in cycles similar to like the way history repeats itself. It comes back, but in a slightly different form each time. People that say electronic music has no soul...gentlemen, ignore those who insult us, but if you must, simply smile and hand them the microphone and tell them to give it a shot. Most folks who are to critic you are only blaring out their own inadequicies. Many Americans can't even sing "The Star Spangled Banner" (the United States National Anthem by Francis Scott Key) Finally, Here's a thought for you... Hira, my Japanese friend, pianist, and teacher says to not think of how old you are, but to know how much wiser you get as each day passes. Wisdom of experience through time cannot be replaced or derrived from anything else. Even a new born each day is one day closer to thier body pushing the daisys up from the ground. What of those so foolish to insult an elder for thier age and then immediately by the odds and thier lack of wisdom jay walk out in front of a speeding automobile? By the paradyme, know that this has, or will someday happen if it has not already. Savor wisdom, cherish life. MORPH!