I guess there's a better chance of "nothing" bad happening during September 2015 than of any one responding to my request. I have a friend willing to extract his MidjPro styles for me, but he does not know how. I do not own one, so hence my request for info over here...
Too bad, I could have given the Ketron community something new to play with. Every now & then some over here cry out & beg for new Audya styles & then pay a fortune for six or so at a time. The Audya is now seven years old without anything exciting happening to it apart from the Ajam upgrade which was also long, long ago.
No wonder I lately spend so much time with the Yamaha crowd - they all work together & some new, awesome styles become available almost weekly. I guess I'd rather then focus on modifying & upgrading 2012 onwards Ketron styles to Mega technology to play in the Yamaha series.
My advice for future Ketron owners: Realize this - what you pay for is what you get. Don't bargain on adding anything substancial new or exciting to your purchase except for Ajamsonic, that is. I know they will point you to nearly 50GB of ancient stuff for it, but that's where it ends. Hope you guys don't get bored too quickly...
Make sure you'll fly forever!