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#40744 - 11/02/02 03:10 PM 6500 is good enough 4 me!
Sparky Offline

Registered: 02/28/02
Posts: 182
Loc: lewiston maine usa
I just wanted to say to all the folks not getting the 7000 yet or at all that while others are excited and happy with the kn7000, I am happy enough with my kn6500!
Besides I love the controller ball on the 6500 and would not want to give that up for a 7000! To be able to change the sound with it and balance it a bit to left or right to make a sound stand out more is a great feature. I am disappointed that technics took the ball away with the 7000. Just goes to show you its all a marketing game! The game is, don't make the 7000 too good or there will be way too many used 6500's for sale and the value will go down. And then they will bring back the controller ball with the 7500 I bet with some other great features that they purposely left out on the 7000 to soak all the 7000 users once again when they just have to have the 7500 because it is better and has those things they could have given now. And the 7500 will be missing something that the 7000 has on purpose to. It is all a marketing sceme and nothing more.
The 7000 could have been much better. The 6500 I have however will sound about as good as the 7000 if both were put through a good PA system. The 7000 sounds better mostly because of the better amp and speakers. The samples are not much better and tons of voices have not changed. I dare say that some of them are not as good as the 6500. Like some of the sax's etc... However one sax on the 7000 is awesome and way better than the 6500 one. Can't remember what one it was. And yes a few drum kits are awesome also. New voices etc... but still to all those who can not afford the 7000 like me, who needs it!!!!

#40745 - 11/03/02 01:49 AM Re: 6500 is good enough 4 me!
Gunnar Jonny Online   content
Senior Member

Registered: 04/01/01
Posts: 4371
Loc: Norway
Originally posted by Sparky:
... I am happy enough with my kn6500! ...

And I'm still happy with my "good old" KN5000.
It's not that I don't want to have a KN7000, but
I have other things to use my money to than put
that much in the dealers pocket.
(I guess that is a fact regarding to difference
in prices around the world, UK i.e. sell for quite
a lower price than here.)
Besides of that, the KN5000 is still a very good
keyboard, and I can use my money to buy another
high end, such as i.e. SD1, then I will have two
of the "goodies" to have doubble as much fun.

Happy playing whatever keyboard we are playing!
Cheers 🥂
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)

#40746 - 11/03/02 01:56 AM Re: 6500 is good enough 4 me!
Walter McLaren Offline

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 320
Loc: Borders. Scotland
Happy playing whatever keyboard we are playing! GJ

Gunnar, a good one, that says it all!!!!

It don't mean a thing, if it ain't got that swing!!!

#40747 - 11/03/02 10:09 AM Re: 6500 is good enough 4 me!
ogre Offline

Registered: 01/18/02
Posts: 242
Loc: UK
OOh you old cynic Sparky, but there's a lot of truth in what you say.


#40748 - 11/03/02 12:51 PM Re: 6500 is good enough 4 me!
Sparky Offline

Registered: 02/28/02
Posts: 182
Loc: lewiston maine usa
Thanks Guys.

I knew I wasn't the only one. Another thing that keeps me happy with the 6500 is that I do not record my songs like most people do here. I do not use the styles for my own songs I record, and I do not do it all on the 6500. I am a guitar player and have been for 26 years. So I record on a digital BR8 virtual 64 track recorder. I start be doing the drums on my 6500 and then put them on track one of my br8. Then I usually record the bass line from the 6500 to the br8 also. Then I record into the br8 with my guitar. Then add vocals. Then I add any lead guitar or riffs. And use the 6500 to play other parts like piano or strings etc... into the br8. This is the hard way as far as getting it done without mistakes, but the way I see it, it teaches me to play better as I can not just sequence the song all out. The only thing I sequence is the drums. Also I find the effects better on the br8 than the 6500. Even the reverb! Also is the fact that if I only record into the br8 from the 6500 one part at a time it is better because the more parts going on at a time on the 6500 the less power and quality I have. You guys ever notice the volume change when more things like styles etc.. are going at one time? I guess it splits up the amps, and effects etc... So doing just drums or bass and recording into the br8 I get better and fuller sounds. Oh the power it has when all is put into one part only. And after I do the drums, and add bass to it, I have better sound than if i was to do both of them on the 6500 at once and put them into the br8. And this way I have a digital recording with all parts on their own track. The br8 has great built in effects! Of course I add my vocals in also. I am just saying that if the 6500 is used in this way. There is not a lot of difference from the 7000 when i listen to the br8 recording! Also I want to add too that I find the 6500 sounds can all be improved with the effects. Multi effect global is great! So does the 7000 sound better cuz it has better samples or cuz the effects set to them are set up better. I know that I can make the 6500 sounds better and more powerful/fuller by changing and adding the effects. So Ii wonder if the 7000 is more of a case of better effect settings than it is better samples. I don't think I could see a difference to speak of with the 7000 recording the way I do it. One part at a time into a digital recorder. A note also on getting it onto mp3. I feel the best way is to do as I do, onto the digital br8 and then burn it onto CD via a cd burner that excepts a digital line in. "Not audio in". This way it is still digital 100% and then I can put the cd in my PC and make it into an mp3. There u have it! excellent quality mp3's! Any way you look at it, If the keyboard has 16 parts going at once, it has to divide the power up between them and all sound weaker and less full. But one at a time into the digital is awesome. And the digital 64 track does not have to divide up power. When I am done, All parts have full power and fullness! I also have noticed and want to share with you guys that I just found the drawbars can be greatly improved with the global multi effects. LFO modualation, is cool, and so many others in there to beef it up. Ever notice how the demo on the 6500 called "dsp production" has unreal sounding drawbars. How? They are not like that out of demo mode. Answer is effects set to the fullest potential!

#40749 - 11/03/02 12:52 PM Re: 6500 is good enough 4 me!
Sparky Offline

Registered: 02/28/02
Posts: 182
Loc: lewiston maine usa
Holy crap! Did I type all that? I wonder if I set a record! LOL

#40750 - 11/04/02 12:50 PM Re: 6500 is good enough 4 me!
J. Larry Offline

Registered: 12/14/99
Posts: 521
Loc: University, MS 38677 USA
I enjoyed reading about your approach to recording. I'm doing practically the same thing, only going to a 16-track hard disc recorder. No computer in sight---only stand alone recording gear. The 6500 has been a joy to use to generate backing tracks to then add vocals, guitar parts and all the rest. I tend to use the full rhythm section (with edits of course) from the 6500, rather than building each instrument track individually. One thing that puzzles me---and a point not spoken about much on the forum---is the "instrument mix" used by the style programmers in these keyboards. I wonder how many of them have had "live" combo experience to know about instrument placement in the stereo field? In other words, how a well-balanced band might sound. To my ear (and experience), many of the built-in styles, although great sounding, are sometimes way out of whack. I found one the other evening where all of the instruments were in the center (mono) position. Of course the bass sits there primarily, but many of the other sounds should be spread around and balanced accordingly. Also, some of the instrument volumes are disproportionately too loud. Thank goodness for editing capabilities. If others have had similar experiences, it would be good to hear your comments as well.

#40751 - 11/04/02 01:26 PM Re: 6500 is good enough 4 me!
tony mads usa Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 14376
Loc: East Greenwich RI USA
J.Larry and Sparky ... Good reading ... I have a kn6000 (and no doubt will for quite a while) and often use the the 'full rhythm section' on the built-in styles for back up, but most of the time I have muted or softened the volume on some of the instruments ... sometimes, there is just too much going on ... I've done some recording onto cassette tape directly from my power amp, and have sometimes used 2 cassette player/recorders to do multi track recording... In early January I will be laid up for a while for a total knee replacement... I hope to obtain a CD recorder by that time so I will have something to help while away the hours ...
Sparky ... can you share some of your organ settings with us? I would be interested in how close you come to the B-3 with a Leslie sound, and also a good jazz organ with a 'percussion' sound in it ...
t. cool

#40752 - 11/04/02 03:05 PM Re: 6500 is good enough 4 me!
Sparky Offline

Registered: 02/28/02
Posts: 182
Loc: lewiston maine usa
Be glad to Tony! I will post when they are finished. I have like about 8 real good ones now. Well I few awesome ones and the rest better than they were before i edited them. I can tell you now though that global multi effect/ enhancer makes a big difference with the organs and basses. Exciter for organs that are a bit muddy. Altering Low fc and gain and high fc and gain on page 5 which is at program menu/sound/part setting on the draws and basses too. And for drawbars also it is interesting to add chorus and especially LFO filter on some organs and drawbars!!!!! Some cool stuff there! Remember though I am into rock and roll, and cool sounds. I am not into the kind of stuff that was on the 20for1 disks. Though I downloaded and tried each one and enjoyed some too!

Yes the mixes and combos are not very good. volumes not set right etc... too. But that makes it easier for technics to make the next model better without giving too much. And for those who don't but the next model can fix it manually. I am sad that I can't beef up the basses much at all without the unit rattling! The pull up window and speaker cases inside or the speakers. Bummer.

#40753 - 11/04/02 03:14 PM Re: 6500 is good enough 4 me!
Sparky Offline

Registered: 02/28/02
Posts: 182
Loc: lewiston maine usa
Originally posted by Sparky:
Be glad to Tony! I will post when they are finished. I have like about 8 real good ones now. Well, a few awesome ones, and the rest better than they were before i edited them. I can tell you now though that global multi effect/ enhancer makes a big difference with the organs and basses. Exciter for organs that are a bit muddy. Altering Low fc and gain and high fc and gain on page 5 which is at program menu/sound/part setting on the draws and basses too. And for drawbars also it is interesting to add chorus and especially LFO filter on some organs and drawbars!!!!! Fell the power! haha. Some cool stuff there! Remember though I am into rock and roll, and cool sounds. I am not into the kind of stuff that was on the 20for1 disks. Though I downloaded and tried each one and enjoyed some too, I do not look for that sound and do not use the techni-chord hardly ever.

Yes the mixes and combos are not very good. volumes not set right etc... too. But that makes it easier for technics to make the next model better without giving too much. Just like the way they only changed SOME styles and made some worse while leaving out some that we liked on the 7000. A clever marketing game. For an example of the marketing screems all co. play is like when they came out with CD players. They had 5 disc changersfrom the beginning but made us all buy the single first. Its all a game! But anyways for those who don't like the settings and dont buy the next model can fix it manually.
I am sad that I can't beef up the basses MUCH AT ALL without the unit rattling! The pull up window and speaker cases inside or the speakers rattle like mad!!! Bummer! Now I see why they are not very powerful and well, basically weak and unrealistic! Very poor basses.


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