#391710 - 08/10/14 01:22 AM
Re: * * * AUDYA TIPS & TRICKS & FAQ* * *
[Re: Henni]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
Hello, I am new proud owner of a Audya 5. I got it used very cheap. Thanks to this board, I could learn a lot and got many hints, for example how to repair wrong checksum, what I did already.
Now, the pre-owner installed OS5, all works fine. But I see, there are some folders missing. As much as I searched, I could not find a list of files a Audy should have in factory state. Also I tried to get recovery DVDs from Switzerland ketron, but they refused as the keyboard seems not to be bought here.
I am not shure if I really need stock DVDs, it seems there are only missed the midifiles and waves folder. Also I am not sure if the user_styles folder is empty.
Has someone the possibility to make a filelist of an Audya4/5 in factory state ?
Second question: has the problem with the harddisks not beeing able to be formatted with more then 80GB been solved meantimes ? I saw that AJ seems to offer greater hard disks. How do they work ? Has this been realized by editing the partition table directly ?
Third question: Does anywhere exists a technical start-up schema of an audya ? I mean, what is loaded from the flash and what from the harddisks in which order ? can an audya boot without a harddisk ? I ask because I would like to know what happens when i use the format commando and then shut down the audya. In this case do I have a problem ? and if not, this would mean, an audya can be booted without harddisk...... ?
fourth question: can an usb-stick or external harddrive be formatted with the audy ? I did not dare to try it yet, as in worst case the format commando would work to the internal harddisk.....
Many questions :-)
Thank you all for this great forum. Congratulations on your purchase of the AUDYA 5.
Let me try and answer some of your questions.
1. The company did have restore disks but these were based off of OS3.0. There are no official restore disks for OS5.X yet.
2. Hard Disk only formats to 80GB with the standard AUDYA. We use a special 'tool' to format higher at AJAMSONIC.
3. Audya cannot boot without the Hard Disk. System files in the SYSTEM/INIT folder and Sound files and links in the MSP and INSTRUMENT folder get loaded during boot up.
4. Not yet.
Addendum: I still would like know, if
1) The Folder UserStyles in Factory State is empty
2) somebody could give me a list of files in folders and subfolders midifiles wave mp3
The preowner really deleted those folders ... Salü Sigi,
hier mal ein Auszug eines Backups, das ich 2011 von meiner AUDYA-HD gemacht habe :
Datenträger in Laufwerk H: ist AUDYA Volumeseriennummer:
18.12.2008 12:11 1.407.376 Big Band 1 (Take the A train).mp3 18.12.2008 12:02 877.612 Big Band 2.mp3 18.12.2008 12:11 1.692.006 Chill Out.mp3 18.12.2008 12:11 1.504.551 Clean Live Guitar.mp3 18.12.2008 12:11 2.028.672 Cool Pop.mp3 18.12.2008 12:11 3.473.766 Dance.mp3 18.12.2008 12:11 910.840 Elektro Kit.mp3 18.12.2008 12:11 2.357.815 Flugel Horn & Muted.mp3 18.12.2008 12:11 6.205.338 Folk Live Guitar.mp3 18.12.2008 12:11 721.505 Funk Super Kit.mp3 18.12.2008 12:11 1.473.831 Funky Tune.mp3 18.12.2008 12:11 2.197.319 Harp (Interval).mp3 18.12.2008 12:11 1.519.598 Hi Hat Super Kit .mp3 18.12.2008 12:13 2.190.422 I Like Fusion.mp3 18.12.2008 12:13 971.653 Italian Polka.mp3 18.12.2008 12:13 1.029.332 Jazz Alto Solo (Misty).mp3 18.12.2008 12:13 1.482.608 Jazz Guitar.mp3 18.12.2008 12:13 2.016.760 Jazz Waltz.mp3 18.12.2008 12:13 1.834.321 Latin Mix.mp3 18.12.2008 12:13 2.028.672 Lounge.mp3 18.12.2008 12:13 985.446 Mambo.mp3 18.12.2008 12:12 1.183.559 Modern Fusion.mp3 18.12.2008 12:12 2.024.910 Movie Tenor.mp3 18.12.2008 12:12 803.007 Multi Cultural .mp3 18.12.2008 12:12 3.267.503 New Age.mp3 18.12.2008 12:12 4.210.419 Oriental Percussion.mp3 18.12.2008 12:12 1.682.602 Pop Saxophone.mp3 18.12.2008 12:12 1.367.879 Pop Super Kit.mp3 18.12.2008 12:12 1.280.734 Power Super Kit.mp3 18.12.2008 12:12 1.083.875 Retro Slow.mp3 18.12.2008 12:12 2.226.158 Rock Live Guitar.mp3 18.12.2008 12:12 804.888 Salsa.mp3 18.12.2008 12:12 1.470.696 Shuffle Rock.mp3 18.12.2008 12:12 1.244.999 Smooth Ballad.mp3 18.12.2008 12:12 801.753 Solo Trombone.mp3 18.12.2008 12:12 1.310.827 Soul Funk.mp3 18.12.2008 12:12 933.410 Stage Band.mp3 18.12.2008 12:12 3.088.199 Stereo Grand Piano .mp3 18.12.2008 12:12 2.147.790 Strings Quartet.mp3 18.12.2008 12:12 814.292 Sweet Nylon.mp3 18.12.2008 12:12 1.084.502 Tango.mp3 18.12.2008 12:12 1.708.933 Tenor Club 1.mp3 18.12.2008 12:11 1.228.698 Tenor Club 2.mp3 18.12.2008 12:11 718.370 Tenor Sax (exercise).mp3 08.10.2008 09:37 1.766.001 01TooSwing(VocalMute by Doda).mp3 08.10.2008 10:11 1.320.897 02 Age of Rock(VocalMute by Nunny).mp3 18.12.2008 12:11 2.875.039 Alto Sax (exercise).mp3 18.12.2008 12:11 767.271 Baroque.mp3
Datenträger in Laufwerk H: ist AUDYA Volumeseriennummer:
04.01.2005 12:09 36.286 Anonimo_Veneziano.MID 04.01.2005 12:09 85.605 Besame_Mucho.MID 04.01.2005 12:09 95.750 Cabaret.MID 04.01.2005 12:09 66.295 Doctor_Zivago.MID 04.01.2005 12:09 100.106 Hello_Dolly.MID 04.01.2005 12:09 80.535 I'll_Never_Fall_In _Love_Again.MID 04.01.2005 12:09 143.343 La_Vie-_En_Rose.MID 04.01.2005 12:09 20.987 March_Mendelssohn.mid 04.01.2005 12:09 12.738 March_Wagner.mid 04.01.2005 12:09 127.791 Midnight_Cowboy.MID 04.01.2005 12:09 72.986 Raindrops_Keep_Fallinl.MID 04.01.2005 12:09 110.388 So-What's_New.MID 04.01.2005 12:09 72.971 Stranger_In_The_Night.MID 04.01.2005 12:09 132.780 The_Girl_From_Ipanema.MID 04.01.2005 12:09 92.160 Un_Homme_Une_Femme.MID 04.01.2005 12:09 59.037 Wild_Cat.MID 04.01.2005 12:09 32.654 You_Are_So_Beautyfull.MID 04.01.2005 12:09 62.293 Doctor_Zivago_TEST.MID 04.01.2005 12:09 109.938 G_IPANx9.mid 04.01.2005 12:09 109.997 GIRL_V_IPA.MID 04.01.2005 12:09 54.452 Hello MaryLou.MID 04.01.2005 12:09 15.144 JAVA1.mid 04.01.2005 12:09 7.294 PIANOS.mid 04.01.2005 12:09 67.760 Raindrops_Keep_REMIX.MID 04.01.2005 12:09 34.143 TWIST.mid 04.01.2005 12:09 35.013 UNTITLED.mrs
Datenträger in Laufwerk H: ist AUDYA Volumeseriennummer:
15.10.2008 09:35 669 01TooSwing(VocalMute by Doda).txt 18.12.2008 10:32 12.933.522 01TooSwing(VocalMute by Doda).wav 08.10.2008 10:01 725 02 Age of Rock(VocalMute by Nunny).TXT 18.12.2008 10:34 9.637.126 02 Age of Rock(VocalMute by Nunny).wav 18.12.2008 10:36 21.112.648 Alto Sax (exercise).wav 18.12.2008 10:36 5.618.784 Baroque.wav 18.12.2008 10:37 10.323.886 Big Band 1 (Take the A train).wav 18.12.2008 10:38 6.426.492 Big Band 2.wav 06.10.2008 09:40 12.412.168 Chill Out.wav 18.12.2008 11:56 11.037.564 Clean Live Guitar.wav 18.12.2008 11:57 14.889.588 Cool Pop.wav 18.12.2008 11:57 25.498.784 Dance.wav 18.12.2008 11:57 6.670.410 Elektro Kit.wav 18.12.2008 11:57 17.309.806 Flugel Horn & Muted.wav 18.12.2008 11:56 45.585.104 Folk Live Guitar.wav 18.12.2008 11:57 5.277.998 Funk Super Kit.wav 18.12.2008 11:57 10.809.594 Funky Tune.wav 18.12.2008 11:57 16.126.592 Harp (Interval).wav 18.12.2008 11:57 11.145.538 Hi Hat Super Kit .wav 18.12.2008 11:56 16.022.808 I Like Fusion.wav 18.12.2008 11:57 7.118.920 Italian Polka.wav 18.12.2008 11:57 7.545.834 Jazz Alto Solo (Misty).wav 18.12.2008 11:57 10.876.422 Jazz Guitar.wav 18.12.2008 11:57 14.800.166 Jazz Waltz.wav 18.12.2008 11:06 13.458.906 Latin Mix.wav 18.12.2008 11:06 14.888.784 Lounge.wav 18.12.2008 11:05 7.220.580 Mambo.wav 18.12.2008 11:05 8.678.916 Modern Fusion.wav 18.12.2008 11:56 14.859.346 Movie Tenor.wav 18.12.2008 11:05 5.879.322 Multi Cultural .wav 05.10.2008 13:55 23.994.524 New Age.wav 06.10.2008 09:42 30.924.954 Oriental Percussion.wav 18.12.2008 11:57 12.346.988 Pop Saxophone.wav 06.10.2008 07:11 10.031.518 Pop Super Kit.wav 06.10.2008 07:11 9.390.090 Power Super Kit.wav 18.12.2008 11:57 7.944.254 Retro Slow.wav 04.10.2008 09:39 16.337.740 Rock Live Guitar.wav 18.12.2008 11:57 5.896.636 Salsa.wav 18.12.2008 11:57 10.795.566 Shuffle Rock.wav 06.10.2008 07:11 9.130.122 Smooth Ballad.wav 18.12.2008 11:56 5.871.366 Solo Trombone.wav 18.12.2008 11:57 9.615.202 Soul Funk.wav 18.12.2008 11:57 6.840.458 Stage Band.wav 18.12.2008 11:57 22.676.508 Stereo Grand Piano .wav 18.12.2008 11:56 15.763.748 Strings Quartet.wav 18.12.2008 11:57 5.965.362 Sweet Nylon.wav 18.12.2008 11:57 7.952.622 Tango.wav 18.12.2008 11:57 12.539.594 Tenor Club 1.wav 18.12.2008 11:57 9.007.432 Tenor Club 2.wav 18.12.2008 11:57 5.259.022 Tenor Sax (exercise).wav
Make sure you'll fly forever!
#391711 - 08/10/14 01:25 AM
Re: * * * AUDYA TIPS & TRICKS & FAQ* * *
[Re: Henni]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
what do you guys use to transport/protect Audya 5? i have a bag now, but have to be VERY careful when transporting. was thinking of investing in a hardshell case, something that was not heavier than the keyboard itself.. anyone have this one? http://www.gatorcases.com/p/111157-281/gkpe-61-tsaany other suggestions? Audya 5 dimensions, i bought that Gator case, nice and sturdy, fits perfect, a little extra room on sides without wedges, but with both the wedges on each side, it is custom, tight fit.
of course heavier than i am used to in nylon, padded bag, but way way more protected, i can actually put light gear on top of keyboard now in truck
Make sure you'll fly forever!
#391712 - 08/10/14 01:29 AM
Re: * * * AUDYA TIPS & TRICKS & FAQ* * *
[Re: Henni]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
I almost never see Ketron boards and modules for sale on eBay or here on Synthzone. Is there ANOTHER Ketron site somewhere that I don't know about, with an active Buy/Sell board?
I know they're rare (at least compared to Yamaha or Korg) but sooner or later players want to upgrade or change brands. Where do they sell their gear?? Personally, I believe that the lack of huge re-sales on Ketron used gear is partly because most Ketron owners like, enjoy and keep their products. When new ideas or enhancements are released in updates and upgrades, Ketron chooses to implement these enhancements to existing products to thier maximum capacity before releasing a whole new product (hence the lifespan of thier products going as high as 8-9 years before being replaced by a new model all together).
A good example which supports the above statement is the recent introduction of the KETRON USB CARD READER AND AUDIO PLAYER - which not only replaces Floppy drives in the Ketron X, SD and XD series keyboards and modules, but now ofers the playback capability of AUDIO (Mp3 and Wave) files too along side Midifiles. The capability to now read USB thumb drives and SD cards in these products (no more floppy drives nor PC data tranfer cables needed) is now standard (if you purchase a new SD5, SD3, Midjay Plus ...etc today). Some may say this is a small upgrade, but when you consider the fact that the X1 (an almost 14+ year old keyboard) now has the capability to play back audio files PLUS use USB sticks and SD cards for data storage (you ask yourself which other manufacturer has offered such an upgrade to a 14+ year old piece of gear), you will then begin to better undertand why these instruments are generally not that easy to find being re-sold.
This in general seems to be the European marketting approach (which eventually means less sales as many hold on to what they have) - such as BMW, Mercedes ...etc. The Japanese/Asian apporach is quit different (better for the company really, but harder on the end-user's wallet). New ideas (small increments) generally find themselves in new products all together ... in 8 years, you will probably see 2 model Toyota Camrys but only 1 model BMW 540, so Toyota would have sold twice as many Camrys as BMW (average ofcouse as price points and other factors play a roll too) in this time frame.
Make sure you'll fly forever!
#391713 - 08/10/14 01:33 AM
Re: * * * AUDYA TIPS & TRICKS & FAQ* * *
[Re: Henni]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
Hi all. I have a Ketron Audsys 5 which I bought to
1) Make backing tracks using the keyboard 2) Connect a mic and overdub vocals.
But it seems to be incredibly difficult to do so. I have followed the instructions to the letter (select overdub mode, give name to file etc) but when it comes to pressing user button 5 to start recording, I press it and nothing... Now I can get recording started by first pressing MENU and then f5 but this just starts a normal recording. Whats worse - is if I try this and then start my backing track, then overdub, it seems to record (and post process) but the file afterwards is wildly out of sync. Like 2 secs between the backing track and the mic. Ive tried several methods - all to no avail, so would genuinely appreciate any help here. thanks Mark. Been swamped with trying to complete the new SUPER STYLES so please excuse my delay .....
In order to over dub, you have to record the first track (as a wave file) by doing the following:-
* Press MENU * AUDIO RECORDING * Select recording format (wave) * Press RECORD button to engage recorder. * Set keyboard up (styles, voice .. etc) and press RECORD (U5/10) to actually start recording. * When done, press STOP REC (U4/9). * Press EXIT to return to default screen. * Recording will be saved in WAVE folder as e.g. TEST1.Wav
TO OVER DUB (using the above wave file, or any other audio file):- * Press MENU * AUDIO RECORDING * MIXDOWN (F4) * Now select TEST1.WAV (which is what you just recorded) as this is what you want to record WITH. * Press START RECORD (U5/10) when you are ready to start recording. * Press ENTER (with TEST1.wav highlighted) whenever you want the previous track to start playing. * AUDYA will now start recording (both the previous TEST1.WAV track AND what you are currently playing. * When done, press STOP REC (U4/9). * "Post Processing Record" will displayed for a short time as the new wave file is created (made up of the previous recording and what you just played. (TEST2.wav) * To record again, repeat the OVER DUB process above, and use TEST.2 ... and so on.
Make sure you'll fly forever!
#391714 - 08/10/14 01:36 AM
Re: * * * AUDYA TIPS & TRICKS & FAQ* * *
[Re: Henni]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/08
Posts: 3456
Loc: South Africa
Hi Audya fans. I apologise for these basic questions but would really love some feedback if you get a couple of minutes. I fell in love the Audya from the very first YT demo. Tried to imagine raising nearly $10,000 for it (was the initial pricing here in Oz). Anyhow i gradually became very disappointed when the unit was clearly causing so many problems. Please understand that I am unable to even see or hear one in the flesh. There is no retailer within 2000 miles from me that will stock them - oh yes, happy to take my money and then get one in!! I see that it is still out there and am now "thinking" about the module version. My dilemma with Audya:- 1. Can't get to see/hear one - don't know any owners nearby or even in Australia 2. Can't get to play one 3. No local retailer support 4. No local service support. 5. Still asking big money. I would still love to try one. So is the Audya now very stable? How does it compare to Tyros 5/Korg PA3XPro? Thanks guys/gals Pete Hi,
Herewith my two cents:
1. Yes, it is completely stable. The few issues I find from time to time are not even worth mentioning.
2. Buy an Ajamsonic upgraded Audya direct through AJ.
He'll give it to you at a good price & I guarrantee fantastic support. Not to say you will not get support from another dealer, but AJ has proven himself over & over again and in any case you'll want to upgrade to the Ajamsonic version sooner or later.
3. Once you get used to the quality of the Audya's overall sound, nothing else will ever do it again for you.
Cheers mate,
Henni G'day Pete, nice to see you drop by and welcome to SZ!! Ive had the audya now for over 12 months, in a position like you, i really have to take a leap of faith and ordered one without any knowledge and glad i did. So far ive had no problems but thats maybe perhaps i have not dug deep enough to find its flaws, ive just really been enjoying its BIG Audio Style soundstage which really is incredibly and a thrill to listen to. Support wise, i find most answers on this forum just like your offerings over at Korg, which I truely appreciate Pete. Also ive spoken directly with AJ regarding the Ajamsonic software today which is very reassuring.. Of course i cannot vouch for all on here. Yes, it is crazy expensive, but i can appreciate the technology .. Unlike others, so far there is only one audya and like Henni's emphasis on the ajamsonic inclusion it only gets better and better, without have to fork out extra thousands for a new board/upgrade... Not to say i dont get a thrill out of my other boards, but just playing straight OTB, for a keyboard the audya sounds amazingly real.. Thanks again for everything Pete... Ky
Ps.. Being a drummer like you Pete, then again audya's biggest asset might not be as crash hot for you -:) So... I am working with Audya every day (from 2009).... I had too many problems, software and Hardware, but now my Audya is ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..... I have also Korg Pa3x, but only Audya is a REAL BAND!!!!!..... IS A AMAZING KEYBOARD!!!!! Also I am working with Audya too more and Hard works, as programming New Styles (Audio Styles) "onboard in Audya" and work PERFECT!!!!!! I am glad with Audya!!!!!!!! I have had Audya for a year and a half, part of which includes the Ajamsonic upgrade. AJ walked me through the installation, and the only problem I have ever had is a corrupted style, which AJ would replace in a flash.
I have four other boards, but this is my main go to board. Bernie Hi. Had an Audya for a couple of months now.
1) Very stable. Need to get used to the way it does things. 2) Sounds are excellent - on a par with Motif. 3) These units are very expensive. Good but expensive. 4) Not got the Ajamsonic upgrade yet.
overall - very good bit of kit. Mark
Make sure you'll fly forever!