Hi Bruno
Welcome to this side of this great forum.
I love when people make me think. I love reading religious books, I love watching documentaries about religions, about people , government...etc...
I started this whole post not to judge anyone, although it would be very Christian of me to judge. In my family I have Muslims, Christians(all kinds) and also Jewish. For me personally I refuse to be degraded and be called any of these, although my name is very Islamic. I also don't consider myself an atheist. I will never say there is no god. I think there is no such a god as the one according to all these religions. It would be nice to have a nice one , but than again what a hell is he or she doing?? What kind of misogynistic plan is this or what kind of perverted reality show we live in??
Most of my friends are religious and I don't have problem with that as long as they have no problem with me.
I think it would be nice if religious people would learn about other religious and not assume . If we want to be people of faith why not pick up a Quran or if you are Muslim why not pick up The Bible or any other religious book that is not from your faith. If there is one god why not learning about it from all aspects?? But, as I said before.We are all programmed to think and not ask questions.We were trained as kids by our parents, by our society and by our government. We just believe in anything without a single thought in what we actually believe.
Also this post is about politics too. And there is no better weapon in politics as religion. It is the ultimate H bomb. And basically religion is politics. Control of the masses.
I am not trying to offend anyone here by posting anything, but when someone reads something, before getting offended about his or her religion, or country or your favorite president, or your favorite keyboard\guitar :D, try to do a little research about it. About our religion, or our government or who is going to get the newest keyboard first, or how long will DNJ keep his new keyboard

(sorry DNJ , I just hat to)??
Why not think outside of the box a little bit, maybe for the first time. Things do look different from a far, or once you take a close look it is something totally different.
I think we usually look at religion from a far and it's all great, we all love each other, we sing kumbaya, we hold hands, we judge each other secretly.

But when we take a closer look there is a lot of suffering, lots of blood, lots of killings, by us humans and by our god.
Even the bride looks different once the wail is lifted.
Question : How can you say you look at everything through Christian point of view??? What about human point of view? ??