I'm on the look out for a midi controller keyboard to trigger some soft synths.
Does anyone know if there is a good control keyboard out there which has not only 61 or more keys, BUT that also has a bunch of midi knobs or/and sliders that I can assign to different parameters on my soft synths?
Maybe I should've made the title of this thread, "What's the best midi controller keyboard?". But hang on! -there's just one thing. I'm wondering... do I even NEED a midi control keyboard in the first place!
Now that I think of it... most of the pro midi control keyboards are quite expensive and so far, I've not seen any with the features I've mentioned. WHY NOT SIMPLY USE THE MONEY TO BUY A CHEAP SYNTH INSTEAD???
-one that would have full midi functionality, a few knobs to tweak and so on. As far as I can make out that would do everything that I would want from my *dream" midi controller AND, as a bonus, it could also double up as a cool synth in its' own right.
Am I right here, or have I missed something?