Chas, I agree. While we're barely into winter, it already seems as it will never end. Too cold outside to do anything outdoors. I can't ride my bicycle in 21 degree temperatures (today's high), I've already cleaned up most of the leaves, no lawn to mow (too cold for grass to grow), I no longer go hunting, it's too cold to go fishing (skim ice on the lakes, streams and ponds), the sailboat is sitting on dry ground in winter storage. Only exercise I'm getting is lifting weights and riding the stationary, recumbent bike, which ain't enough. Only performing 2 jobs a month, now, but that's because too many body parts are shot to Hell. I liked it more when I was doing 2 jobs a day and working 5 to 7 days a week. What most folks don't know is that Russ and I did a lot of the same things, and it was balls to the wall for decades. I was a columnist for 25 publications, sold print media advertising, recorded voice overs for local radio stations and even had my own TV show about the outdoors on local, cable TV, and this, was in addition to playing music 3 t 4 nights a week. I thought I was invincible - I wasn't!
Now, if my only form of recreational excitement was from being a performer, I would be in the looney bin by now. Fortunately, I have a myriad of activities that I enjoy, but as I posted above, I really do miss all the wonderful people in my audiences. They are the reason I loved being an entertainer, and I'm sure Russ feels the same.
Now Chas, that offer still holds when this old codger sails south next fall. The bar and pantry will be fully stocked, with luck I'll hook up with a big bluefin tuna on the way south and it'll still be fresh when I get to the Georgia/South Carolina border. Hard to beat fresh grilled tuna while sippin a cool Margaretta. I should know!

All the best,