NEVER - NEVER perform without a staff member in the room. If something happens, regardless of the circumstances, you could be held liable and end up in court at the wrong end of a law suit.
Gary.....I thought that needed repeating AND the following:
There have been times when the AD is in the back of the room texting on her damned I-phone and paying absolutely no attention to what is taking place in the room
That's more irritating than
no aides being in the room with you. I'm thinking now of this place I play every month. Three "assistants" and every one on their smart phone. A few weeks back one of the patients got so carried away she came at me like she was "defense" and I was "offense" and......get the quarterback at all costs. I was standing, playing a 27 pound accordion, so I didn't have much of my own defense. And, I'm guessing just like you said.....if anyone got hurt, yours truly would probably be in a Civil suit right now!