Hi All,
It is not my intention to start a big controversy but I thought I might pass this along.
While visiting a site called Piano-Bar.Com which features midi music downloads I found the notice below posted.
My general concern is that as long as the music we download can only be played using a Technics instrument there is little chance that these companies will bother us. However if we begin to post music in Midi or MP3 format which the general public can also download and listen to those sites involved may be contacted and asked to pay the fees.
These fees are for performance rights and have nothing to do with the controversy that the music industry is having about steeling music in MP3 format although it is connected.
Best Wishes
"In order to be able to keep the Piano Bar open I need the voluntary help of those who appreciate this site. The music posted here for your free enjoyment has copyrights. Last year I was contacted by Broadcast Music International (BMI)- owner of the copyrights of most of it - warning me that I should obtain a license to be able to post copyrighted music in my site. The cost of this license is $265.00 yearly. The next one is due in January 2004. Last year I requested and obtained your generous help that allowed me to defray the cost of that license...."
Heather- Leesburg, FL PR54