Thanks to my ongoing ÔofflineÕ discussion with both Larry Cohan and Bob Hendershot, I have solved the problem of recording KN5000 Techni-chord harmonies to an external software sequencer. When recording your KN keyboard performance to an external software sequencer, it is important to have the software sequencerÕs "midi thru (echo)" turned off. If "midi thru" is left ÔonÕ the midi data that is sent to the external sequencer will be sent right back to the KN keyboard and cause all kinds of erratic and bizarre KN keyboard problems to occur (including losing the function of the KN keyboard to send out (via midi) the Techni-chord harmonies.
There is also an ongoing debate regarding how to set the KN keyboard and external softwareÕs clock. My personal view after weighing both Bob & LarryÕs differing opinions (though both guys make excellent points) is to set the KN keyboardÕs clock to "Internal (master)" and the external sequencer to "Midi (slave)" during the initial recording process ONLY and then switch the settings around (KN keyboard:Midi (slave)/ External Sequencer: Internal (master) during external sequencer post editing and playback.The advantage of making the KN keyboard the Master during initial recording is that you are able to make Ôon the flyÕ tempo changes and panel memory changes from the keyboard (even though the tempo changes are only recorded as System Exclusive commands by the external sequencer). If you want to play back the external sequenced song as a SMF, you will need to later insert any tempo changes manually into the recorded sequence, as System Exclusive commands are only understood by the specific Technics make/model keyboard originally recorded from.
IÕm interested in receiving feedback from others out there who have recorded KN5000 arranger parts (RT1/RT2/ LEFT, Accomp 1,2,3, Drums, Bass, Techni-chord harmonies) to an external software sequencer such as Cakewalk, Logic Audio, Cubase etc. I would be interested in hearing what ÔMidi Settings" are used to make this work.
IÕm also interested in hearing if any of you out there are recording your KN5000 performances to an external sequencer recording RT1/RT2/LEFT using APC Chord & Control tracks to trigger the KN keyboard to play auto-accompaniment patterns along with your realtime performance of RT1/RT2/ LEFT tracks (much the same as can be done in "Easy Record" mode on the KN5000 keyboardÕs internal sequencer itself). The primary advantage here is that post editing is much easier to do on an external computer sequencer than in the KN keyboardÕs internal hardware sequencer. I am most interested in hearing how others have set the KN keyboardÕs ÔMIDI SETTINGS" to accomplish this.
I trust that the results of all these findings will be posted on Bob HendershotÕs "KN5000 How To" page and Larry CohanÕs "How to Create General Midi Files from Technics Musical Instruments" document.
Bob HendershotÕs "KN5000 How To" page:
Larry CohanÕs "How to Create GM Midi Files from Technics Musical Instruments": I look forward to reading comments and feedback regarding this.
Happy Keyboarding,

- Scott Yee
[This message has been edited by Scottyee (edited 02-10-2000).]