I should start out by saying I should kick myself in the head for my finicky and abrupt attempt to sell my Yamaha S970, WTF was I thinking?

Same boat here.
I'm still thinking about the PA4X. I know it's a superior instrument.
The S970 is a great machine. I've been putting in hours reprogramming it and it does a nice job...not as good as my Tyros but good. And I'm also finding lots of stuff I didn't know the S970 can do.
If I TRY to sell my S970 around here I'll be lucky to get 60% of what I paid for it just a few months back. And I think of time wasted reprogramming.
Then there's the issue of learning the PA4X OS, and reprogramming my show...lots of hours.
I could buy the PA4X without selling anything...but what am I going to do with 4 keyboards? Arrangers, the way I use them, aren't like a guitar that you just pick up and play.
Donny, your not the only one that goes through changeitis.