Availabillity of sd9pro in europe is around planned in Oktober, so thats still 6 months away...
translated in Ketron terminology this means that it probably will be around BUG FREE in about two years time

As a musician be it a home user or a performer I see little point in getting my knickers in a twist about the prospect.
I guess the SD40 option is a better one as apparently most bugs have now been ironed out of the SD7. I am sure that eventually the streetprice of the SD40 module will be around 2000 euros in the shops here. Still a lot of dough though...
Many people here on the forum write about Ketron but how many actually own one and have done so for a considerable period of time ? I know Deane has and enjoys the SD7 while Bernie and Hennie commend the Audya . That's it ???
I am only saying that while the threads seem to imply loads of people are playin a Ketron and cannot wait to have the latest model the truth of the matter is that in the USA but also here in Holland and other European countries ( Italy excepted of course) the use of KEtron arrangers is not half as widespread as one is led to believe reading SZ forum content.
With the many options/models available by Yamaha and Korg this is not surprising in itself. Quality control with yamaha is rigid and (to the best of my knowledge) they have a good customer support. Korg used to be the same though with the arrival of the PA4X , its history of bugs and poor customer communcation I dread to say the same still applies. Ketron to me has always been top of the list as regards poor customer service, sorry AJ.
You can hardly find any Ketrons in Holland... Only 2 dealers... And so far many people on here have had one or more bad experiences with Ketron.....
ketron actually is a very small company and they just dont have the resources to test all their new gear to oblivion and back like yamaha does before release.. this makes buying a brand new Ketron instrument risky buiseness, better to wayt atleast a year like you said..
From the same order as the bugs in new software is the level of their customer service in europe, i have had some pretty bad experiences with them.. So you dont want to buy a used Ketron or one trough an online shop either, as you want to buy it with a dealer that has a good relationship with Ketron..
However, their soundquallity, and their functionallity in their high end units make them probably the most advanced arranger workstations out there, when it comes to arranging/accompaniment functions.
Each time they release a new high end product they create some GAS with me, even tough my mind tells me to staty away from it, but then making music is all about emotions isnt it?
SD9PRO around oktober this year?Ketron,come on.
Which is probably a whole year to early... since its been confirmed that its whole new technollogy inside... the instrument currently is far from finished, guess thats the reason why we dont see any fancy video's of the instrument online yet...