#412079 - 11/26/15 02:59 PM
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Registered: 11/15/01
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Loc: london,ontario.canada
Rosetree, I didn't actually mean anything bad by saying "brainwashed". I ment it as basically how much choice we have. Are you Christian because you were born in Germany and you were thought to be Christian from day one you were born, or is it really a choice.
I said it in one other post about what makes us good or bad. Do we choose to be good regardless what religion we are, or because it makes us feel to do selfless act toward a stranger, or are we being good because we are afraid that God will punish us for being bad?? Is it selfless or do we expect to get paid by going to heaven?? What if God comes down and tell us, or some of us that there is no way we are going to heaven?? Would we still be good??
Same as with religions. What makes me a Chirstian, or Jew,or Muslim. That is the same as people whom you mentioned changed religion. It is just for their good. It's a profit. And those are the worst kind of people.
Edited by mirza (11/26/15 03:00 PM)
#412099 - 11/27/15 04:38 AM
[Re: mirza]
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Registered: 11/15/01
Posts: 1314
Loc: london,ontario.canada
Gods Born on December 25
Chrishna, of India, born on December 25, 3228 BC, his mother was a virgin, mothers name was Maia. The name Chrishna means Black or Dark. His uncle, Kamsa, the ruler at the time of his birth sought to kill him (Chrishna) because he had heard a Prophecy that Chrishna would overthrow him. Chrishna escaped death by being smuggled out of the area to safety (sounds like Herod and Jesus does it not?). [COMMENT: Crishnas story and Jesus story fit together like a hand and a glove.]
Mithra, of Persia, born on December 25, before 1500 BC, his birth was witnessed by Shepherds that brought gifts to honor him. He was styled as a Mediator between God and Man. Witness this quote from the Encyclopedia Encarta, Mithraism was similar to Christianity in many respects, for example, in the ideals of humility and brotherly love, baptism, the rite of communion, the use of holy water, the adoration of the shepherds at Mithras birth, the adoption of Sundays and of December 25 (Mithras birthday) as holy days, and the belief in the immortality of the soul, the last judgment, and the resurrection. Mithraism differed from Christianity in the exclusion of women from its ceremonies and in its willingness to compromise with polytheism. The similarities, however, made possible the easy conversion of its followers to Christian doctrine (Mithraism, Microsoft (R) Encarta. Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation. Copyright (c) 1994 Funk & Wagnalls Corporation).
Horus, of Egypt, born on December 25, before 2500 BC. His mother, Isis, gave birth to him in the swamp, she was warned by the god Thoth, to flee and conceal the child from the evil Set. Set had killed the father of Horus, whose name was Osiris, and sought to kill Horus, |also. Isis was able to keep Horus hidden from Set, till he (Horus) grew to manhood. Horus sought to avenge the murder of his Father, and made war against Set, and defeated him.
Buddha, of India, born on December 25, 563 BC, his mothers name was Maya (similar to Mary) she was a virgin. He was immaculately conceived, and at birth, he announced that he was a savior to the world. His birth wasannounced by a star. At his birth, he was visited by Wise Men who declaredthat they had seen Signs of his birth, that is to say, signs of the royal birth(coincidence?). [COMMENT: On the surface, it definitely looks like a coincidence. But when one considers how much of the Buddhas teaching Jesus claimed as his own, it becomes clear that the whole Buddha story was appropriated my Jesus himself or at least by his church.]
Beddou(Fot), was a god of the orient born 1027 BC, his mother was avirgin, he was born of royal blood. The king sought to kill him at birth, because he felt the newborn infant posed a future threat to his Throne. Thegod child was saved by shepherds, and lived in the desert till he reached theage of thirty, at which time he commenced teaching his spiritual doctrine tothat religion.
Quetzalcoatl, a god of the Western Hemisphere, was born of a virgin around 900 BC. He sojourned in the wilderness, fasted forty days. Was crucified. He was variously represented as the God of light that struggled against the god of darkness called Tezcatlipoca.
Hercules, son of the god Zeus, born around 500 BC, predestined by birth to inherit the throne of Argos. Hera, the jealous wife of Zeus desired the throne for another and sought to delay the birth of Hercules, and subsequently tried to kill Hercules while in his crib, by sending two snakes to strangle him. Hercules killed the snakes, though he was less than a year old. Later, He was sent away to the countryside where he became a shepherd.
Attis, of Phrygia, born around 1200 BC, his mother was a virgin, her name was Nana. He was a shepherd, and reported to have died by self emasculation under a pine tree. He was alleged to have risen from the dead at Easter i.e. The vernal Equinox.
Tammuz, born before 2600 BC, was hailed as the only begotten son of the god Ea. His mother was a virgin, by the name of Ishtar. As an infant he was hidden in a chest by Aphrodite, the goddess of love and entrusted to Persephone, the goddess of the nether world. Persephone later opened the chest, and was so stricken by the beauty of the babe, that she refused to return the child to Aphrodite. The two goddesses fought each other for possession of the child, till finally the god Zeus mediated the matter, and declared that the child shall spend half its year with Aphrodite and the other half in the nether world with Persephone.
However, it is now argued by scientists that jesus was not born on dec. 25th,in fact, not even in the winter, some time in October or fall
Answer 2
Here are just a few, all born of virgins too.
Augustus (his father was the god Apollo) Agdistis Attis Adonis Buddha Dionysus Korybas Krishna Mithras Osirus Perseus Romulus and Remus Tammuz Zoroaster Jesus
OSIRIS EGYPT, before 2500 BC: He came to fulfill the law. Called KRST, the Anointed One. Born of the virgin Isis-Meri on December 25th in a cave / manger, with his birth announced by a star and attended by three wise men. Earthly father named Seb (translates to Joseph.) At age 12 he was a child teacher in the Temple and at 30 he was baptized, having disappeared for 18 years. Osiris was baptized in the river Iarutana the river Jordan by Anup the Baptizer, who was beheaded. (Anup translates to John.) He performed miracles, exorcised demons, raised El-Osiris from the dead. Walked on water and was betrayed by Typhon, crucified between two thieves on the 17th day of the month of Athyr. Buried in a tomb from which he arose on the third day (19th Athyr) and was resurrected. His suffering, death, and resurrection celebrated each year by His disciples on the Vernal Equinox Easter. Called The Way, the Truth, the Light, Messiah, gods Anointed Son, the Son of Man, the Word made Flesh, the word of truth. Expected to reign a thousand years.
Many characteristics of Jesus, which Christians today believe in, areundeniably similar or identical to religious trends and beliefs that preceded Christianity. There are tens of accounts of pagan gods of many differentcultures who were said to have the same attributes as those that Christians claim Jesus had.
Trinity―Trinities were popular in pagan sects before Christianity wasintroduced to the world. Some of the more well known trinity gods included Mithra-Vohu Mana-Rashnu, Amen-Mut-Khonsu, and Osiris-Isis-Horus.
Virgin Birth―Among the pagan cultures that preceded Christianity, virginbirth stories abounded. The long list of pagan gods born of virgins includes:Romulus and Remus, Zoroaster, Buddha, Mithras, Chrishna, Osiris-Aion,Agdistis, Attis, Tammuz, Adonis, Korybas, Perseus, and Dionysus.
WOW! Ill bet that you didnt know that so many other gods shared Jesus birthday, did you?
The saga of Tammuz, as given above is extremely interesting, in that not only are there parallels to Jesus portrayed through his life and those parallels existing at least 2600 years before the birth of The Jeez , the account includes hints of two Old Testament legends. First, As an infant he was hidden in a chest by Aphrodite, the goddess of love and entrusted to Persephone, the goddess of the nether world. That sure sounds like Moses in the ark in the bullrushes to me. Second, The two goddesses fought each other for possession of the child, till finally the god Zeus mediated the matter. To me, that sounds exactly like the story of Solomon deciding who the real mother of a child was by ordering the child cut in half. It is possible that the Jews appropriated both of these stories, since Tammuz lived long, long before the time of Moses.
As I have said above, given the antiquity of the various gods, it is presumed that they are mythical like the Greek, Roman, and Norse gods. There is hard evidence in India that Siddartha Gautama The Buddha actually did exist and that he existed at least 500 years before Jesus. So given that, plus the advances in civilization from the time of The Buddha to the time of Jesus, one would logically conclude that there would be a mountain of hard evidence that Jesus actually existed and the date on which he was actually born. However, no such mountain exists. Writers of secular history contemporary to the time that Jesus was supposed to have lived do not mention him at all. At least I have never found any evidence that they make any reference to him, and I have looked long and hard. Only Josephus, the Jewish historian, mentions him at all. He makes two references. One of them is rather incidental and is considered to be legitimate, and the other one the Testimonium Flavium is considered to be fictional and not the work of Josephus. So it is not really that improper to consider Jesus to be a mythological person like the Norse god Odin, the Greek god Zeus, or the Roman god Jupiter.
I have documented in earlier Solus Christus diaries my walk away from Jesus Christ and the reasons for that decision, so I need not rehearse them here. So I face a quandry: Whose birthday should I celebrate this season if I choose to celebrate a birthday? There are a lot of possibilities: Horus, Osiris, Hercules, Dionysus, Crishna, The Buddha, Mithra, Tammuz, Attis, Quetzalcoatl
Hey, there you go! I will celebrate Quetzalcoatls birthday! There is just as much legitimate evidence for his existence as there is for Jesus.' And he is indigenous to the Western Hemisphere; he existed in Mexico, as I recall. Thank goodness THAT dilemma is solved!
Happy birthday, Quetzalcoatl!!
Anyway, you all have a Happy Holiday season. And Seasons Greetings to you.