#420379 - 04/24/16 11:07 AM
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Senior Member
Registered: 11/15/01
Posts: 1314
Loc: london,ontario.canada
Me personally, don't have problem with people believing in God or whatever you want to call it. I do have problem with how do people believe in God. Jews think they are "the chosen ones", Christians think they are the only one that will end up in heaven, Muslims think everyone else is infidel except them. I can go on and on with other once too...
The mere thought that we as humans are actually important in this wast universe says it all , and how god made us in his own ima ge and some of us are more important then others says how flawed, narcissistic and pure dumb are believes in God are. I personally think that kids younger than 18 or 19 should ever be introduced to religion in the first place. But than again when would brainwashing appear. It is only too easy when they are young. To make stories, fairy tales, from Santa to Eastern Bunny , to scary stories and frightening them how they will go to hell if they don't go to heaven if they don't go to Sunday school or Friday Mosque...or whatever ...
We are not teaching kids to be good or to help others because it actually does feel to do good deeds . Especially without any rewards. We teach them do always gain something out of it. They will get a new toy, or they will earn place in heaven. We don't even realize what kind of damage we do to the kids with this. We take our morals from Joshua to whom God said to go to that peace of land and kill everybody, including the animals too. To which he didn't kill the animals and was forsaken by god. Where is moral there. Or one of my favorites where Abraham forsaken his son with the other woman just because his wife tells him, and than as a reward he gets a new son which he has to sacrifice to show how much he loves his god. Is this the god we believe in?? or even the most famous one where a teen girl being raped (emotionally, spiritually or physically- it doesn't matter) and than she gives birth to a son on Dec. 25 same us CHRISHNA,MITHRA,HORUS, BUDDHA,....etc..even Hercules was born on Dec. 25.. And then he is too being sacrificed for OUR sins. It is almost beautiful . Who ever wrote these stories was a genius and new exactly how to manipulate and how actually dumb humans are..
#420386 - 04/24/16 03:21 PM
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Senior Member
Registered: 09/29/05
Posts: 6703
Loc: Roswell,GA/USA
Science can't explain everything, but religion can't explain anything. Why are you so anti-religious and adamant there is no God (if I read you correctly)? Maybe because he has a brain........and choses to use it. chas That said, has there been any US President, for instance, who has chosen to use their brain? All have made references to God, AFAIK. Do you consider Albert Einstein as brainless? He said he believed in a higher power. I think most Americans would agree that it would probably not be possible to get elected president in this country without passing the "God" test; result....100% God-fearing U.S. Presidents (including those who upheld slavery, presided over genocide, and "nuked" hundreds of thousands of civilians in modern day Japan. Oh, and let's not forget those drone strikes going on as we speak; good thing they only kill enemy comnbatants (sarcasm intended)). Oh, and sorry I don't meet your criteria for who is "wise" enough to participate in YOUR posts but I believe you DID say " I'm completely open to all viewpoints from anyone who wants to share a "viewpoint.". Did I get that wrong? As far as Professor Einstein, even he has had no better luck PROVING that there is a God than any of the millions before and after him. Even so, I doubt if his vision of a "Higher Power" involves some blue-eyed Nordic type who watches every move you make and scares the crap out of you with unimaginably horrible punishments should you not obey his will (which was made known to us through a select group of very 'wise' men (apparently Einstein wasn't smart enough to make the list). Amazing that He has time to do that and still have time to create the billions and billions of stars, planets, etc. that make up just our known universe....or is it multiverse, or... Ok, gotta go Mark. That's all the therapy you get for today. Go learn Monk's 'Well you needn't', or 'round midnight. Now that's a 'higher power' I can believe in. Have a nice day. chas
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]