Very nicely said, Mirza. I agree with every word except "I don't consider myself an atheist". I know in my heart that I am a full-blown Atheist (not an Agnostic - an Atheist without the courage of their convictions

). Although I subscribe to many of the basic tenets of most "major????" religions ('feed the hungry', 'love thy neighbor', 'thou shall not kill', etc., etc.), my human, evolved brain just will not allow me to believe in a supernatural being; a concept, maybe, but not the real thing. I also have difficulty understanding how otherwise reasonable and intelligent people can believe in so many implausible things not backed up by one shred of scientific evidence or facts. I do, however, try to be tolerant of those that DO believe, even when that 'tolerance' is not always reciprocal.
While it's true that if we didn't have religion, we'd find some other reason to kill each other, at least we'd eliminate that one thing.
My one big gripe with organized religion is the attempt of one group to impose their will on others; to believe that 'they' know what's best for another group, another race, another culture, another country, the world. Sorry, I'd rather make that decision for myself.
For the record, I DO believe in the possibility that ET's or 'ancient astronauts' may have visited this planet in the past and possibly even given rise to some of the stories/myths/tales/fables/etc. that we find in the Bible and other ancient writings/cave drawings/etc. At least more plausible than 'blind faith', don't you think?
Anyway, like most of the other free thinkers here (not many, for sure

), I love (and never tire) of discussing the human condition and our role here on this planet.
Appreciate your input, Bruno. Please continue to participate. No one has a patent on 'the truth', it's just that everyone should find his/her own 'truth' and not allow 'tradition' to dictate what one believes.