Originally posted by waterschip:
[QUOTE]....r than fix the bugs in the unofficial 1.5 from Tayio....
surely logic would tell you that if the KN7000 required an upgrade then they Panasonic would take the appropriate action
So for those who still think that Taiyo Germany has nothing to do with Panasonic(Technics)are wrong. The don't send out unofficial material. Than the guy Bebop got his 1.5. version in the U.S. is an unofficial dealer too??
[This message has been edited by waterschip (edited 10-02-2003).]
Panasonic UK & Panasonic USA have both publicly stated that they will not support any KN7000 keyboards that have been upgraded from the Tayio site.
Now these statements bring to question the validity of the ugrade that was sent to bebop by an official of Panasonic USA who may have downloaded the upgrade from Tayio
To date there has not been an upgrade for the KN7000 available from Matsushita Panasonic the parent company Japan to any of it's divisions around the world of which Tayio is not one
Panasonic Europe (which also covers Germany) is owned & run by Panasonic
http://www.panasonic-europe.com/ Panasonic UK is owned & run by Panasonic
http://www.panasonic.co.uk/index.html Panasonic USA is owned & run by Panasonic
http://www.panasonic.com/flash.html Tayio is owned & run by Tayio