Originally posted by Kenneth Gundersen:
..... I dont see any reason to why I should add anything. I play the song how it is original and that's it...
I asume our experiences are different, and maybe it's different how it
works in different places where "gigging".
If you play for a public sitting just to listen and look at you, I can
see that there is no need to add or do any funny things, but when gig
for i.e. a Saturday Night Dance or a Wedding, I can't imagine doing it
without the freedom to stop, start, add, joke and have fun as you can
do when perform live playing.
The audience usually love it very much, and you know, when people sing
along and having big time, do not stop to give them any excuse to back
off of the dancefloor and sit down.

Midifiles and mp3's as "The Band" are used quite a lot lately, and I've
been guest at places where every single song was playback.
I have even asked the musicians why not come on and join the rest of the
party, the music plays just fine as it is. No need to be a "book end" for
the keyboard or/and the minidisk who are preset to play non stop anyway.
(Yeah, I know, I'm a bad, bad guy.

Of course, this is only my personal view and observations. Each one most
do what they find suitable and what they feel is right, after all this
is great technical features who are added to the kb's, and probably it's
made to be used as well.
Wow, got a idea! Kenneth, send your repertoire to me, and I'm going out
to gig again and collect the big money.
Pssst... I won't tell anybody that is you who are inside the KN.

And yet again, looks like Tony's tread are twisted even more off of the
original topic, or more correct, hijacked by me.....