The sequencer in the Kn7000 was far superior to the Korg Pa3x cant speak for the 4 x but I would assume there is not much difference between the two. It was way easier in step record, punch record. Korg cannot sequence like the Kn could back in 2002. Try one and you will see. This is my opinion Im sure there is other people that agree with me. I have said it many times Technics was ahead of its time.
Exactly right - the sequencer was unmatched and still remains the best.
Some of the sounds are also much better than all the modern day keyboards including the French Horns, Oboe, English Horn, Marching Whistle, Hawaiian Guitar and I had 4 sound cards installed in mine.
The KN7000 was also the first board to use a lightning fast SD card when others were still on Floppy Disks and could import and save .wav files using Technics loader. It also had a file conversion mode to convert Roland, Solton (Ketron) Gem and Yamaha styles.
Add the best Style editing and operating system and it was years ahead of it's time without a doubt.