WOW !!! ... A public 'throwing of the gauntlet' ...
... my comment was in reference to the new kn 7000 songs...
I do believe I sent Larry a 'thank you' from my home computer ... but I will be certain to check that ... he does have great arrangements of some beautiful songs... I have often thought about recording some stuff for critique by my fellow techies, but obviously have yet to do so... I guess it's that fear of recording some of those 'clinkers' for posterity ...
However, I will take up the challenge in the near future... If not before, then during recuperation from my upcoming surgery (Mar6)
Aside from my playing, my next biggest lack of expertise is in the computer area ... I've got a real 'dinosaur' of a home computer that keeps telling me it's almost out of disk space ... If I do an 'Easy Record' on the kn6, can I just 'zip' it and then send it to you Bill?