Bright and early Wednesday morning, which for old codgers is about 10 a.m., I'm heading for the boat to set sail down Chesapeake Bay. The new medications have produced incredible results, I can go most of the day without supplemental oxygen, and I am able to sing and play the keyboard now without running out of wind. Unfortunately, my back is shot to Hell, so going back to the grind will definitely not happen in this life.
Talked on the telephone with Don Mason this evening, we didn't solve all the world's problems, but wish we could. Don suggested a new song for me, one that I had heard many years ago, but never performed. The song kinda reminds me a bit of myself, especially the title, Till I'm Too Old To Die Young. In my mind, I sometimes still feel like I could do the things I did when I was 17 years old, but the damned mind keeps making appointments the body cannot keep. I listened to the song on You Tube, and 30 minutes later I recorded it directly on the PSR-S950, one shot, no editing. And, this was after a 12 ounce, Green Coconut Margaretta, and a half glass of Jim Beam Honey Bourbon. Here's my rendition of
Till I'm Too Old To Die Young I'll try to keep everyone posted as to where I am while sailing south, post some photos and vids, and I won't be coming back till I feel like it. Where I'll end up, I don't really know at this time, no particular destination in mind, just gonna sail to Saint Somewhere, catch some fish for supper, and enjoy life.