I've been listening to this video for a week now. Slowed it down and listening closely to what notes the horn players are playing. After a couple of days, I began to realize they're just improvising on a scale using basic scale notes. But you've got to have been playing your instrument for years to be able to play that fast out of your head. I've got this wild idea I'm going to play exactly like them on my PA3x which will be hard because I never use it.

The vocalist is incredible at scat singing. She's right on time though even though it doesn't sound like it.

I don't think you'd be able to do what the clarinet does at 2:40 on a keyboard and the glissando's etc.....not at that speed anyway.

When Peter Bartmann, (or anyone) can put out an arrangement like Cab Calloway's, that's when I'll call him a one-man band, I don't care how well he did that trumpet ride on Sway. (couldn't help putting that dig in there).