Too much hype.......hell yes. At this moment in time, with the threat of nuclear war, and earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes killing hundreds and making thousands homeless, it seems to me that this total obsession with a piece of frivolous technology does make us seem a little bit uh.....shallow. There are many that are willing to shell out $5-6000.00 for a toy but wouldn't even consider giving one dime for disaster relief to help people that have lost EVERYTHING. But enough about that.
I view the Genos as a Ferrari that must be driven on a highway with strictly enforced speed limits; those speed limits being YOUR talent and playing ability. If 55mph is your limit, then a Honda Civic is going to get you there at the same time (and possibly in more comfort) than the Ferrari.
Sure, technology is great and I fully embrace it, but let's not go nuts about it. Use the time you spend digging up 'suspect' videos to practice some scales, learn some new tunes, or maybe just turn on the TV and see what ELSE is going on in the world. JMO.
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]