a touch main screen
the main screen is recessed, tilted and fixed
a reworked interface, with a "Montage like" selection of the styles: left the category "buttons", to the right the selection of the style itself
more space for style names (and probably also for other names as well)
organ like sliders. The shape of the slider knobs resemble an organ slider. So an Organ World is probably in the Genos.
a screen above the six knobs, showing their function and value. "Chorus" can be seen, and "Reverb"
A totally new style engine
But the big reveal is in the sound track. This is only a live recording of the woman's voice and maybe some parts. The rest is coming from the Genos style engine!!

The orchestra plays some "licks" that are repeated over and over. It suggests that you can import a sound loop into the style engine, and the Genos will take care that it will fit the style tempo and loops perfectly. Maybe the keyboard will follow the pitch as well.
I can't hear if the style engine is solely based on audio parts, or contains MIDI parts as well. In the latter case, Paul was right ("Styles combining audio and MIDI").
How useful is it?
The sound track sounds fabulous, no doubt about that. But it also raises some BIG questions: How do the styles sound when you don't have an orchestra at hand to play the parts? In other words, what can I, as an enthousiast amature, do with the Genos? How do the "normal" voices sound like? Are they as life like as the audio recorded ones?
And the final question, what does this keyboard bring to the (musical) table? Combining loops to make music is being done for a long time and is the domain of computer DAW's and VSTi's (virtual instruments). Is the strength that you can play this "Rhythm" sound track LIVE? That the Genos follows your chord playing perfectly with audio instruments?