Certainly closer than previous models, but I don't think their styles will be better. Maybe, we'll see.
Actually on the tyros 5 you could get really close to that live feel of Korg, by edditing the styles, switching some tracks off, a little eq on the drums, and adding some volume to the bass and guitars... its all in the arrangement..
Seems Genos has improved drums and drum edditing..
But where the Genos will allways stay beyound the korg is
A) edditing, sounds...and midi.. and espescially where it comes to sound creation
B) real time controlls.. pa4x already has assignable sliders. And i am using the knobs of kronos to.. but thas not what i mean, i mean live controlling the styles... with buttons.. why do i have no fill buttons on Genos, manuall bass button..etc etc..
We will have to see how much the live coontrol and asignable buttons can make up for the missing comtrolls..
Wher Genos shines is dsp power.. which seems to be a blessing