The 970 misses all the high end features of the Genos...
People are currently in doubt which one is better Genos or pa4x
That should answer the orriginal question
Bachus was that original question on another thread?
The real question is not which KB is better, but how good is one as a player ?
Sorry Donny I tried my best not to compare but to bring out what I thought the S970 offers.
I do not believe that one keyboard is good for everyone. Each keyboard is created with a certain idea – so I believe that talking about the good features without comparing is more valuable.
I‘m not sure where-- “but how good is one as a player”-- fits in.
John C.
I think the real question when buying a keyboard is not who is the better player..
But does the new keyboard make you sound better? regardless of playing skills. Thats the real question. The answer to that can be different for different musicians.
Another important question one should ask himself, can i be comfortable with the interface of a new keyboard, am i willing to change my playstyle to addapt, or not?