Hi Tony:
The "Country" "songs" coming out of Nashville these days have almost completely abandoned the Traditional Country Genre sounds.
Some of it even sounds like an imitation of Rap. To my surprise, last night I was surfing through the channels and zeroed in on the Country Music Awards... and nearly fell out of my chair when I heard what sounded like Traditional Country coming from a nine-piece band (including female vocalist and female backup singer) on what I suspect may be a new song... judging by the lyrics. I did not have time to watch the rest of the awards show, and from the reviews, I'm glad I didn't.
Not all the songs I write are "Country Genre" but I have really needed styles and multi-pads with that flat-top, lap-steel and dobro sound... and I hope Yamaha will jump on the bandwagon and begin to provide them soon. (If not them, maybe Korg or Roland will pick up the gauntlet and join the fight for better sounding styles.)
Thanks to our Irish friend, Brian... I'm optimistic.
All the best, ----Dave Rice