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#44346 - 01/24/02 07:55 AM Re: PunchRecord Double Notes
Bud Whipple Offline

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 480
Loc: The Plantation, Leesburg, Flor...
Carol, I know exactly how you feel because I do the same thing. If I even think someone is listening to me, my fingers turn into thumbs and my mind goes blank. Once the recording is done, then it doesn't matter as much, but sometimes I still cringe when I listen to myself play. Luckily, some people with low expectations like my playing, so the small amount of encouragement keeps me plugging along. Be happy - play!

#44347 - 01/24/02 08:57 AM Re: PunchRecord Double Notes
Sissle Offline

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 112
Loc: USA - South Dakota
Thanks for the kind words of encouragement. I do so love to make the music even if it only sounds good to my ears! Nothing like playing late at night, headphones on, letting it all "hang out" and really enjoying yourself play! (It's all good then, no matter how many mistakes you make!) Tickles my innards all the way down to the tips of my toes!

#44348 - 01/24/02 11:24 AM Re: PunchRecord Double Notes
Kmac Offline

Registered: 02/06/00
Posts: 43
You might like to try using th auto-punch feature so that you don't have so many buttons and notes to deal with at the same time. You can also program on of your pedals to be the punch in/out switch

#44349 - 01/25/02 09:40 AM Re: PunchRecord Double Notes
Albertg Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 01/18/02
Posts: 13
Glad I'm talking to people on the same level. I own a KN6500 because it sounds good, not because I'm a pro. The headphone is for the benefit of the rest of the family. All your questions and the answers just inspire me to experiment with the features of the machine. I have never tried to do a recording in the pads for instance, but now that I read how it has to be done I dare to try.

Have fun,

Greetings from Holland (thats the excuse for the terrible English)


#44350 - 01/25/02 11:27 AM Re: PunchRecord Double Notes
Sissle Offline

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 112
Loc: USA - South Dakota
Hi Albertg,
Your English is just fine! Doesn't matter if it isn't anyway, as long as we can understand what you mean! It is great to hear that I am not the only "less than great" player on this forum! And thanks for the vote of confidence for posting what I consider sometimes my "stupid questions"! I think fear of looking stupid prevents many a person from posting on forums. However, as you can tell, my enthusiasm far outweighs my brain power sometimes! Plus, if us "newbies" don't have a place to ask our dumb questions, how in the world will we ever learn? Reading the technical manual that came with our beloved instruments sure doesn't help much! Anyway, I am glad I have inspired you to try some new things. Let me know how you are progressing! And, I hope this post gives some of the people out there the courage to post their questions without fearing criticism.

#44351 - 01/25/02 11:36 AM Re: PunchRecord Double Notes
technicsplayer Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 3319
learning how to use something new does not make you stupid... if that was the case we were all stupid in the past...

#44352 - 01/25/02 11:44 AM Re: PunchRecord Double Notes
Sissle Offline

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 112
Loc: USA - South Dakota
He Technicsplayer,
Your response was way cool and very much appreciated, especially coming from someone like yourself who has so much knowledge in this field! Thanks!

#44353 - 01/25/02 11:51 AM Re: PunchRecord Double Notes
Johnnie.c Offline

Registered: 08/12/01
Posts: 562
Loc: England
Hi Carol
we've all been down that road on that part of the learning curve & on occasions still get caught out which goes to show we are all only humans
Regards Johnnie

#44354 - 01/25/02 01:50 PM Re: PunchRecord Double Notes
tony mads usa Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 14376
Loc: East Greenwich RI USA
Carol ..... Lack of knowledge does not translate to stupidity in any language ... I've learned a LOT from the people on this forum just from the inquiries of folks like yourself who have the interest and courage to attempt new things, and ask about them ... and the members here, such as technicsplayer, Gunnar, John North, Bebop, Bud, Johnnie, (the list goes on and on), are always looking to help out in the best interest of us all, never to put anyone down, or ill at ease .... these people are so nice I may even attempt to share some of my music (as vanilla as it may be) with them some day.... keep trying new things, don't be afraid to ask, and enjoy your music... and while my wife enjoys my playing, (I think!?!), there have been many nights when "I'll be up in a couple of minutes, dear" has turned into a couple of hours under the headphones......
t. cool

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