It's been a week since my surgery for implant of a Defibrillator/Pacemaker. Went back to the doctor and he took the bandages off, removed the tape and cleaned it all up, then put strips back on for a few more days until the incision is totally healed.
He said it looked good. I can play music when I want to, but I can't drive a vehicle for three months.
They are afraid the device might trigger and cause me to lose control of the vehicle. The odds of it going off decrease pretty drastically and most of the danger is in the first few weeks.
I am taking several kinds of medication, including antibiotics to prevent infection in the surgery site. One of them tends to make me dizzy; will have to figure out which one, but it's not bad.
I can't lift my left arm above my shoulder for several more weeks, to prevent pulling the wires that are attached to my heart.
No golf for several months, if will be o.k. pretty soon.
I haven't decided when to go back to work, and it will present problems because someone will have to drive me both ways. Going crazy sitting around though, so I'll figure something out.
Cardio rehab workouts will start in three months.
I have to lose more weight. I lost 21 pounds of fluid while in the hospital, so I wasn't quite as fat as I thought. Have lost five more in the week I've been out. Need to lose 20-25 more. Piece of cake. No, make that fruit.

You all will never know how deeply I appreciate the prayers and friendship displayed to me here. I love you guys!
But you ain't gettin' my Bud Lite.
No more serious stuff. . .