Genos in house, and the first impression is actually not too bad.
Unpacked and sat to replace T4, it looks nice visually. Black is back, missed that since the KN days. In fact it's not black, it's very deep dark grey close to black.

First thing to do after setup was the update to v1.10. Smooth and easy, no problems.
Keybed feels great, looks very much like T4, but more "punchy", not quite as soft as T4. But, I like it that way!
Touchscreen and OS layout is nice, modern and "up to date" visually, nice touch response as is, and very configurable to personal like.
Yamaha has worked a lot with the styles, also most intro/end/fills I've tested till now are updated or redone. All to the better as far as I hear it till now.
The Revo drums is great, and the bass and drums do sure make things more live.
Older Tx/T4 stuff loads and play just fine as far as I can see by now, but not tested much because it's so much new to explore. It looks like a fresh Genos start and to create new "playlist" is better than try adapt everything from older existing archives.
Did not manage download free packs and stuff as described from Y-Soft, code to free stuff was not valid, nothing at the Yammie site did as they write it should in the welcome mail.

(Download and install stuff from the resourse site, like updateed T5 files, programware etc. no problems at all, packs also installed well at Genos.)
Even if I'm a lot more pleased by this new Y model than ever before, the overall sound is still very "Yamaha'ish" out of the box. A bit too "cold and CD'ish", my taste is a bit softer and warmer, but that is very personal, also probably 'old fashion' if listen to all modern stuff there is nowadays.
But again, it's as I mentioned after heard and seen YT demoes, the best sounding Yammie arranger till date.
Have to say that, just to defend the huge dump it caused in my wallet.
No, seriously it looks good so far, it's going to stay and we're probably going to play together for a long time, and then in not too long time add a Korg PA to replace the MA at the top of the rack.