Hi Rikki,
I've heard about Jammer but I've never really looked into it. I wrote quite a few songs back in the 70's mostly religious and they are some of the midi songs on my web site. (Although the BIAB arragments are not near as good as the original songs.) A couple of them were recorded by some local group in "Cincinnasty" (where I'm from) but they never really went any where.
I also ran a sound system for a contempory christian music group for a couple of years in the 80s.
I too get a little skiddish when I play in front of people especially if I'm playing solo. So I play mostly for myself.
I have an extensive record collection of about 1000 albums, maybe 500 45s and 300 CDs and I like just about all kinds of music.
The Record collection is because my brother worked for Warner,Electra & Atlantic for 32 years and for RCA, Captial and Motown in the 60s.
The CDs are because my partner and I were mobile DJs durining the early 90s before radio music got all screwed up.
My first computer was a TRS-80 and I remember the first time someone came from MIT to show us how they had actually sampled music on to a set of 8 inch disks.
The song was 4 minutes long and it took a total of 28 disks to hold the entire song. There were 2 disk drives and as the second disk began to play the operator would hurry up and change the first disk and so on.
How things have changed!
Ok, was that more information than you needed. LOL
Have a Great Day,
Heather- Leesburg, FL PR54